Not a bug
Comics not imported / umlaut mark bug
I found out that Ubooquity will not import comics containing an umlaut mark in the file name. Comics with some Dutch file names like: "Druïden.cbz" or "Magiërs.cbz" are not imported to Ubooquity.
Customer support service by UserEcho
On what are you running Ubooquity ?
Running DSM 5.2
Crashplan (another Java based application) provides a detailed tutorial to solve the problem.
If you decide to apply this fix, please let me know the outcome of the operation. I'll add this link in the FAQ if it solves the non US-ASCII characters problem.
According to the author, the files with special characters have to be created after the internationalization support is installed, unfortunately. This would mean you'd have to copy your files to another machine, then copy them again on the NAS so that it properly takes these characters into account.
Best would be if Synology supports non US-ASCII characters. I will make a request to Synology for that.
I will remove the umlaut mark for those 11 comics. Looks like the most hassle free solution till Synology supports non US-ASCII characters.
Thanx for looking in to this.
I'll try to include it in the next release.
I guess it would still be better than the current behavior.
For now I'm trying to install DSM on a virtual machine. I'll see how it goes.
And then fix it by adding the following Java parameter:
Could you try launching Ubooquity with it and let me know if it solves the problem for you ?
Your command line would be something like that:
(you have to be in the same directory as the "Ubooquity.jar" file)
Great job. Thanx a lot.
I think you can best edit the Matthew Sanders tutorial. Last part of the tutorial is about editing the ubooquity.jar file anyway
So if you followed Matthew's tutorial, you have to modify the /etc/init/ubooquity.conf file.
If you want, just post here the script you use to start Ubooquity and I'll indicate what changes to make.
Here I only made changes to the user dir:
exec /var/packages/JavaManager/target/Java/bin/java -Duser.dir='/volume1/prive/Ubooquity' -jar -Xmx1024m /var/packages/Ubooquity/Ubooquity.jar -port 2202 -webadmin
I stopped Ubooquity. Edited ubooquity.conf to your startup script. Deleted the work/userdir, just to be sure. Started Ubooquity to run a new scan. No non US-ASCII characters to be found.
Did I do something wrong?
If so, I'll try it again on my side.
(I will be probably unable to use a computer for a week or two, so please be patient, but don't hesitate to ping me at the end of the month if you don"t get feedback)
Take your time. Glad you are willing to help.
I remember Ubooquity did import non US-ASCII file names on my Synology in the past. I posted a problem with the sorting of comic's starting with the letter  on this forum. But was using an older version of DSM, Ubooquity and Java.
The solution is to manually set the LANG environment variable before executing Java on the init script:
export LANG
Here is my full init script for reference:
All my folders and filenames with accentuated characters are now fully recognized when Ubooquity is started from init script.
It didn't work for me in DSM 6.0.
This is my /etc/init/ubooquity.conf:
I've tried with "utf8", "UTF8", "UTF-8" and "utf-8", both in LANG and in the JVM parameter. No luck.
This is my locale -a:
Any ideas? Thank you!
Tried to follow the thread and apply the fix on QNAP, but my knowledge is too poor to get it fixed. Any tutorial available for QNAP owners ?
Thanks a lot
No one able to give a hint ?
I guess you should try to ask your question on a QNAP forum, you're more likely to find QNAP "experts" there.
This was still on my to do list. Finally made some time to test this out. I used the script from Christian W from this topic: http://ubooquity.userecho.com/topic/576717-tutorial-install-ubooquity-on-a-synology-nas/
Changed the Java and Work DIR.
Works like a charm. I am happy.
Thanx all for helping me out.
So another one with non US characters in a QNAP nas...
I try to modify the UbooQuity.sh file:
$JAVA —Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar Ubooquity.jar -webadmin -headless &
But don't works...
Keep trying ;)
Ok, i found a solution!!
So for QNAP users, you have to edit the UbooQuity.sh file and add this two lines:
And modify the command line adding:
The trick was that - for some reason - the UTF-8 is not accepted, and you have to use UTF8 instead...
My file remains like this:
Thanks for sharing !
my pleasure!
It works fine ! Many thanks Jesus !
It didn't work for me in DSM 6.0.
This is my /etc/init/ubooquity.conf:
I've tried with "utf8", "UTF8", "UTF-8" and "utf-8", both in LANG and in the JVM parameter. No luck.
This is my locale -a:
Any ideas? Thank you!
Use the script from GlubZOR. Works for me.
Finally! It worked!!!
You made my day, good sir. :) Thank you!