The solution is to manually set the LANG environment variable before executing Java on the init script:
LANG=en_US.UTF-8export LANG
Here is my full init script for reference:
description "start/stop Ubooquity"author "lapause"start on started httpd-userstop on runlevel [06]setuid httpscript JAVA_DIR=/volume1/@optware/opt/ubooquity/env/ejre1.7.0_75/bin WORK_DIR=/volume1/@optware/opt/ubooquity/var PORT=2202 # $MEM=-Xmx512m LANG=en_US.UTF-8 export LANG exec $JAVA_DIR/java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 $MEM -jar $WORK_DIR/Ubooquity-1.8.2.jar -port $PORT -workdir $WORK_DIR -webadminend script
All my folders and filenames with accentuated characters are now fully recognized when Ubooquity is started from init script.
Customer support service by UserEcho
The solution is to manually set the LANG environment variable before executing Java on the init script:
export LANG
Here is my full init script for reference:
All my folders and filenames with accentuated characters are now fully recognized when Ubooquity is started from init script.