Your comments
Merci, en effet ça existe via un nouveau theme, je m'étais habitué à celui la mais bon peu importe.
J'ai suivis vos instructions, telechargé dézippé le dossier dans /var/packages/Ubooquity/themes
Et oui je suis sous Synology pas sur windows.
J'ai mis votre theme dans la page admin de ubooquity et sauver + redemarrer.
Rien, il n'y a aucun changement, j'ai le même visuel et pas de suivit de lecture.
Je suis actuellement en Ubooquity 2.1.1 built on 2017-09-22 at 21:10
Je vais essayer de mettre a jour pour voir si ça change quelque chose.
En tout cas merci, la solution se trouve donc dans ce theme personnalisé. Reste à le faire fonctionner.
I say just let ubooquity continue to load pages = Display a first page but in "back office" continuing to charge the 4 first pages = don't stop the charging.
Now seem be => one clic = charge 2 pages only and stop (or not I don't know your programation). So just change for the begining.
this is not very important, good luck for the future
So... I don't understand because all work fine !!!
I have uncheck and ... ok that work fine, like when is check !
Without, and after with new scan, ok all continuing to work fine => I can keep going to read on my phone and is it "quick". I try with the same or different comics, ebooks... ok is it good...
so the issue seem be just try to check/uncheck the option "Store bookmarks in cookies instead of the server" for resolve this mistake of slow display.
Suggestions for futur update :
1) the chargement of the first pages is litle slow, can you program ubooquity for make a buffering more important for the 4 first pages. I get the impression that ubooquity charge only 2 pages by 2 pages. Is it ok when we stay reading (let time to chargement), but for the 4 first pages I think is better to keep going the chargement for 4 pages.
2) The 2nd thing is about to have a mark of reading because now we don't have a display icon on jackett for understand which comics we must be read.... I hope you understand lol
RIGHT SOLUTION ! thanks .... isn't fast for the first pages but i think like before...
Ok but ...
1) If I begin to read in my PC I can't keep going with my phone :(
2) nothing (icon?) display for "to be reading"
PS : if you know a tutorial for Mylar software (automated comics dowloader) ....I will happy !
I am not alone to think is it slow :
The same for me.
The V1 is fast, the v2 I must wait 30 second for see 3 pages !
impossible to use !!!!! :(
(I work with synology ds414 and java8 package, nav chrome in windows 10)
no display icon bookmark :( (with %reading)
or icon reading book for know where we must go to continu to read
is it very very too slow .......30s/page
Unable to use
I have all the @eadir files display ... Is it possible to hide that ?
Customer support service by UserEcho
Je ne connais pas trop utilisé ces softs mais parait il que les logiciels CALIBRE ou encore COMICRACK sont très puissant et pourront te permettre de faire ce que tu veux.