
unread flag

Matthieu 9 years ago updated by Anvi 5 years ago 5

Thanks to Ubooquity ;-) my library becomes bigger and bigger, and therefore I get used to lost if I read one or another comic.

Could their be a flag added in the db, associated to each item, to say if you read it or still have to?
This would have to be per ubooquity user.

I'm expecting such feature to be not only appreciated by me in the community :-)

PS: a "tag as read/unread" feature, for an item or folder, would have also to be added, to close the loop.

Let us know! :-)

browse by categories, authors, etc in opds

Joshua Chaitin-Pollak 9 years ago updated by Maarten 5 years ago 6
Hello, I would like to be able to browse the library by author or category (extracted from calibre) rather than just the raw file structure on disk.

Sorting order issue with OPDS feeds

Elouan 8 years ago updated by Chip Woods 7 years ago 24

The sorting order in OPDS feeds is bizarre. All my files are named using the the same pattern

...\<Serie>\<Serie> - <Number> - <Title>

In OPDS feeds, I don't see the full filenames, only the titles. So I'm assuming Ubooquity is reading the metada and presenting the user with just the titles. It's nice, but it creates a problem when sorting the files:

If OPDS was using file names, I would see "Talon - 01 - clacla" before "Talon - 02 - blabla"

And I see blabla first and clacla second => OPDS is sorting the titles by alphabetical order instead of using the number.... even though it's reading the metada of the file and is certainly able to read the number!

Is there a trick to get Ubooquity sorting in the proper order (namely by number in the serie) ? I use Comicrack to write the metada.: maybe there is a special way to tag cbz files ?


User data stored on server - recent files, last reading position, read/unread, favorites, tags

tom h 7 years ago updated by orshak 5 years ago 3

This would be very useful.  I think recent files and last reading positions are most crucial.  Can be implemented through a sql database that maps this data to filepaths

Books can open to reading position when viewed (as a toggle-able feature)

Recent files can be one of the sections on the main landing page

User-defined tags can be parsed in search


Open Source Ubooquity

Elouan 8 years ago updated by Pasha Finkelshtein 2 years ago 44


I really appreciate your work on ubooquity, and would be eager to collaborate on improving it. you mentionned in a couple of places that you may consider making ubooquity open-source, have you made progress on the idea? There are a lot of features that could be implemented/improved and I'm sure it could go faster if we went collaborative on ubooquity


Improved comics reader

Tom 10 years ago updated 9 years ago 18
Allow options to choose the way images are displayed in the browser ("fit width", "fit height", "original", etc).
Perhaps also allow splitting doubles pages for better display.

Reading two Pages at once...

Ralf Plaschke 9 years ago updated by Tom 8 years ago 10
I love Ubooquity. The online reader is very comfortable and quick, so downloading and syncing is no longer necessary. I really love that. To make my reading experience perfect, i would like to have an option to display 2 following pages at once (or one double page, if it's a wide one), because my widescreen monitor is too wide for fit to width and not high enough for fit to height.

I'd would be perfect to have two pages side by side an do a little up and down scrolling.. or to buy a larger monitor of course... or buy one having a pivot function... sigh... ;)

Web reader full screen

Hayden Jones 9 years ago updated by H8Edge 5 years ago 13

Would it be possible to add:

<meta name="mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
to the webpage. This will allow mobile devices to display the page in fullscreen.

Tom 8 years ago

So, I tried implementing this. Not as easy as it sounds.

Well, for Android it was, the following line did the trick:

<meta name="mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">

But for iOS, it's not that simple (as usual). Although there is a configuration that do launch the web browser in fullscreen mode:

<meta name="apple-mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">

as soon as you click a link you are redirected to Safari.

I tried to change programmatically the location of the page each time a link is clicked (to stay in fullscreen mode), but it broke some parts of Ubooquity.

Bottom line: you'll have fullscreen on Android in the next release but not on iOS.


Feature Request - Include option to display comic issue #

badrobot 9 years ago updated by Tony - 3 years ago 5
Can the issue number be included with the comic book name? Including the issue number below the comic name, will make it easier for users to identify a specific issue since it is not always clear from the image being view

Example - Here the display shows the comic title from the metadata scrapped

Notice here the issue number which was in the file name is no longer displayed. The issue number is in the image, but it is very hard for the users to see issue # from the thumbnail

Image 27


Here the user can quickly identify the issue number that they are looking for when browsing comics. They may also prove beneficial in searching large collections

Image 28

Notice while performing a search the user has no idea which issue number they are looking at

Image 29


Adding Currently Reading label to comics

lostndessence 4 years ago updated by ListerD 4 years ago 27

Hello, I'm new to Ubooquity and I've taken to using it primarily for comics. With so many to sort through, it can be hard to keep track of where you are in any given series. So I've been trying to figure out how to mark them as Read or Started Reading. I couldn't find any solutions online or here on the forum so I decided to try doing it myself. (However if this info was already out there, please let me know)

This solution is currently only tested in the plex theme for Ubooquity as that's the theme I use, and only works for comics.

This Theme: https://ubooquity.userecho.com/communities/1/topics/666-plex-based-theme

Through tweaking and digging in the code, I discovered that a GET pathway exists where one can request some data if they have the id of a comic. That path looks like this:


where host_name is your ip or domain, port is the port, and **** is the id of the comic.

The returned JSON looks like this:


"docId" : 3326,

"isBook" : false,

"mark" : "0",

"isFinished" : false,

"lastUpdate" : 1576387903971


It's important to note that "mark" in the above JSON is the current page saved in the bookmark of that particular comic. Therefore, using a GET request we can determine if a comic has been started or not based on that value. Also, if a comic has never been opened, the GET request will return null.

The last bit of information we need is where to get that ID for the comic, and this can be found by looking at the source url of the cover image displayed. It will say /comics/****/comic_filename?params (again where **** is the comic id).

The following JS code will loop through all of the comics (exluding folders) on the current page, make a GET request for each, and (so long as the value of mark is not 0 or null) will add a "reading" label.




// Anonymous "self-invoking" function

(function() {

var startingTime = new Date().getTime();

// Load the script

var script = document.createElement("SCRIPT");

script.src = 'https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.1/jquery.min.js';

script.type = 'text/javascript';


// Poll for jQuery to come into existance

var checkReady = function(callback) {

if (window.jQuery) {



else {

window.setTimeout(function() { checkReady(callback); }, 20);



// Start polling...

checkReady(function($) {


//Add currently reading condition to comic


$('.thumb a img').each(function(){

raw_src = $(this).attr('src')

page_num = '0';

//sort comics from folders

if (raw_src.search("folder") >= 0){

//console.log("raw_src: "+raw_src);

} else {

//extract Comic ID

thing = $(this);

src = $(this).attr('src');

//console.log("source: "+src);


var comicid = src.split('/');

//console.log("Comic ID: "+comicid[2]);

//get comic meta from server

json_url = window.location.origin+"/user-api/bookmark?docId="+comicid[2];

console.log("url: "+json_url);

$.getJSON( json_url, function() {

console.log( "success" );

}).done(function( data ) {

current_this = thing;

if (data != null){

var items = [];

var c_id = '';

$.each( data, function( key, val ) {

if (key == 'docId'){c_id = val;}

if (key == 'mark'){

page_num = val;

if (page_num != '0'){




//console.log("page_num "+page_num);










// end Anonymous "self-invoking" function

Add this script at the bottom of themeScript.js in the plextheme files. Note: This script can only determine if the comic has been started, not when it is completed. So to clear the "reading" label, simply return the comic to page 1 and exit it. I also added some styles to make the label itself look ok. This can be added to comics.css

.reading{ bottom: 0; background-color: #009218 !important; top: initial !important;}

Anyone with knowledge of js and css should be able to modify this for their own favorite theme, or hopefully this can help someone more clever than me develop a universal script that can do the same thing for everyone.

Image 589