Your comments

Thank you! Keep up the excellent work!


i had no luck with serviceex (says it was 16 bit; didnt find any other version), but i used "nssm" to create a service and now it works great. Thanks for the idea!

Uhm Scott that's very much cooler than my batchscript - please give me a hint: how did you install Ubooquity as a service?


i've had the same problems on windows server 2012 R2 with the newest java. My current workaround is to restart the server periodially with my batch script:

start "Ubooquity" C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath\java.exe -jar "C:\Program Files\Ubooquity\Ubooquity.jar"
timeout /t 43200 >null
FOR /F "skip=1" %%a IN ('wmic process Where "CommandLine Like '%%Ubooquity.jar%%'" get ProcessId') DO (
FOR /F "delims=" %%b IN ("%%a") DO taskkill /f /pid %%b
timeout /t 7 >null
goto loop

This script starts a server, waits 12 hours (43200 seconds), then kills everything that sounds like Ubooquity.jar and begins again.