Your comments

Sure i'm already so thankful for your hard free work.

thanks a lot !

(However the opds still only presents folder, all comics or latest comics ? I thought i had read we would be able to use series and such as filters in opds)

Yeah!!! Thanks it seems to be working, i can access the admin page and im currently configuring it.

However i have a little question, i always wondered for the exclusion pattern, should they be comma separated ?

I currently use this :


but @eaDir still shows up (annoying folders created by synology...)

I'm having the same log bug but the issue is as i launch the command in a ssh window it automatically closes the window... Where can i find the java log on a synology ?

Also i was using your fixed Ubooquity.jar

My setup :

Java version : ejdk-8u121-linux-i586.tar.gz

Java path : /var/packages/java8/target/ejdk1.8.0_121/linux_i586/jre/bin/java

OS : DSM 5.2 5967 Update 2 (on a Xpenology)

Hardware : HP Proliant N54L (4 GB RAM)

Command Line for the launch of Ubooquity 1

exec /var/packages/java8/target/ejdk1.8.0_121/linux_i586/jre/bin/java -jar -Xmx512m /var/packages/Ubooquity/Ubooquity.jar -port 2202 -webadmin -workdir "/volume1/Ubooquity"

Command Line for the launch of Ubooquity 2

exec /var/packages/java8/target/ejdk1.8.0_121/linux_i586/jre/bin/java -jar -Xmx512m /var/packages/Ubooquity2/Ubooquity2.jar --libraryport 2203 --adminport 2204 --remoteadmin --headless --workdir "/volume1/Ubooquity2"

So it means i can't use it on a synology if you need java 9 ?

I tried with java8 and no luck, it wouldn't start while the previous version of ubooquity is working smoothly.

of course by folder works too my library is organized like that but i find it less user friendly than having the opds using the metatag to offer some sorting style (if you want take a look at bicbucstrim for ebook the opds does that and offers for example a sorting by series)

Folder has the following issue for me:

Some system directory shows up like @eaDir or @tmp (synology system folder)

Also the folder name are not always so nice. If you could exploit structure based on the metadara would ve a big plus

Bumping this topic to know if you plan on adding categories to the opds feature ?

Currently using Ubooquity on a synology and it really rocks, but would be nice to exploit the information you already have in the database to create categories in the OPDS side like Publisher ==> Series, etc (and i don't know if All Comics is used by anyone but to me it is a bad idea, as soon as you have more than 500 comics its a pain in the ass to browse it)