Your comments

First a BIG THANK YOU for all your answers it works !!! 

I can upgrade to the version 2.1.0 ^^

You found the solution very quickly so I'm so so happy.

Thank you again and have a very nice evening.

An happy french guy 


I have a little issue in my DS415+, Ubooquity 1.10 run very good but when I want uptade to the version 2.0 or more Ubooquity stop running and refuses to start. I try the update methode or delete all the ubooquity files an make a new instalation but nothing work when I want instal 2.0 version.

I use GUI task to start Ubooquity like this :

/var/packages/Java8/target/j2sdk-image/bin/java -jar -Xmx1024m /var/packages/Ubooquity/Ubooquity.jar -workdir /var/packages/Ubooquity -port 2202 -headless -webadmin > nohup.out 2>&1&

Someone can help me for the conf file ? 

Can you help me please ^^ 

Best Regards