Under review


thestarfishkid 10 months ago updated by Tom 7 months ago 7

Is there any plans to incorporate a DJVU reader to Ubooquity?

Unless I am doing something wrong I cannot read these files with the program?



Under review

The online reader is already usable with DJVU files. 
What issue did you encounter ?

Altso, in current version of Ubooquity (2.x), the Djvu files have to be in the "Books" category.

thank you for your reply

my files are in the books section. I am using the 2.1.2 2018 version of ubooquity.

If I try to open a DJVU file I get a page not found error. Everything else works fantastic.

thank you for your reply

my files are in the books section. I am using the 2.1.2 2018 version of ubooquity.

If I try to open a DJVU file I get a page not found error. Everything else works fantastic.

If you can send me an example of DJVU file that can't be opened, I'll take a look to try to understand what's wrong. My address: tom 'at' vaemendis.net

I tested the file you sent me: the file is correctly imported and can be read online.

I unfortunately don't know what is the cause of the issue you encounter.

Do you have any error in Ubooquity logs when the "page not found" is displayed ?

I was not able to determine the cause of the issue (since I can't reproduce it on my side).

I will include additional debug logs in the next version, so that we can get more information about the reason some Djvu files can't be opened on your system.

Version 3.0.2 ( https://vaemendis.net/ubooquity/downloads/Ubooquity-3.0.2.zip ) can be configured to activate Djvu specific logs.

This is done by setting the environnement variable DJVU_LOG to true.

Example of command line launch with this configuration, env variable are passed with the -D prefix:

java -DDJVU_LOG=true -jar Ubooquity.jar