Missing volumes

Seba 1 year ago 0

Hi Tom,

I don’t know if you know a tool named sonaar which, for series, helps to link a directory with an official list of episodes. If a released one is missing you get an indicator with the missing episode... there is also other function but I am not talking about it (automatic download and what ever...) and that is not the purpose of my request.

Indeed I was wondering if we can imagine a connection to comics database (bedetheque etc.) and Ubooquity tolet us know if some albums of the serie have been published but not in the collection... it would be a super useful tool, even if I can imagine that developing connectors to those public database could be a nightmare...

Have look into sonaar, the UI and way of processing the data is super smooth and very well done if you want to have some ideas of what it can look like.

Thank you for reading and maybe for considering that feature !