
Koreader not loading pages opds ubooquity v3

Kevindherdt 1 year ago updated by mannamanna 10 months ago 8

I have noticed that opds in koreader is not working right with ubooquity v3.  On default I can see 3 pages in opds koreader, changing titles per page in ubooquity settings influences this. For example putting 300 titles per page would give me more pages in opds koreader but sadly still not everything.

Is there any way to fix this somehow?

ps. I put this in questions because maybe this is intended however to me it feels like a bug.

I had a problem with OPDS on moonreader which was caused by the & symbol in one of the category names in my library which will be fixed in the next beta version. Maybe there is a special character in your file/folder structure causing issues?

no that is definitely a different case, hence why I said when I change in admin page increasing titles in page makes makes opds show more pages to show titles in koreader. I can increase the tiles from 3 pages in koreader (titles i mean books) to about 40 or 50 but I have around 1300 epubs so not all show. Normally in koreader how it looks when I search for books by series with other apps like calibre opds or kavita it will load 3 pages of booktitles and when I hit nr 3 it will start loading the next 3 so eventually I could browse all my 1300 epubs. So for example I will see 130 pages of 10 books each but with ubiquity it is not loading. 

That said I dont know why changing the number of book titles per page in webbrowser changes it in opds since it should be a seperate thing. So for now I will get a small percentage of books series starting with the letter A  but since browsing only goes up to page 3 most is missing

it will load 3 pages of booktitles and when I hit nr 3 it will start loading the next 3

I just tested this with KOReader and Ubooquity, that's the behaviour I get too, but only when page 3 is accessed from page 2 (using the > button), not if you jump directly to the last page using the >> button in KOReader.

I don't know why KOReader does not load the next page when you go directly to the last one, that's perhaps a question to ask on their Github bug tracker.

hi Tom, I could be wrong but if what I understand correct the “reader application” has to design the opds to work with ubooquity? Since I dont have this with komga, kavita, calibre etc I assumed it was a problem in ubooquity.   However the way u described that it does work for when u go from 2 to 3 and up is also not working for me. 

the “reader application” has to design the opds to work with ubooquity

No, OPDS is a standard, so (in theory) all clients should be able to work with all servers as long as the specifications of the format are correctly implemented.

It is however rarely that easy with software, as you can see. :)

As far as I can tell, Ubooquity serves valid OPDS (I checked again with this validator today). But from what you tell me, there must be a difference between the feed provided by Ubooquity and the feeds provided by other servers.

The following could help me invetigate further:

  • The version of KOReader you use, as well as the platform (Kindle, Kobo, Android...).
  • Some examples of OPDS pages (XML files) that work correctly for you. You can get them by navigating the feed directly in your browser (to get clickable links, display the page source once the feed is displayed, using the CTRL+U shortcut in your browser)

If I could make a suggestion for ubiquity it would be really handy in opds if it can be made that searching by series or author we first select the letter to start with and then get the result of all those starting with that letter. For example  G  - Game of thrones Etc and all the other titles with G sorted alphabetically. For people with huge libraries and especially with  comics, manga and light novels its a lifesaver. :-D

That's something that's been on my mind for a long time, but as few people use OPDS feeds (and although I use them) it is usually deprioritized in favor of more popular features.

Hi Tom, sorry for not responding for a long time. Life has been in the way. I have found a change for me that fixes the problem I have been having.

In preferences-2.json

If I change the value to something really large like "opusPaginationNumber" : 20000,  opds will load and index all my books. For example if u have 5000 books u would need atleast  "opusPaginationNumber" : 5000, or something.  When it is the default values it won't index all but with this change it works fine for now.

Also just to be sure I checked not only with koreader but also with moonreader and other book readers and they all had that same issue until I changed this.

In any case if someone else with a big library has this problem this might help them as well. 

Thanks for the hard work Tom,

I am very interested in how ubooquity will be shaped in the coming future but I like it so far.