Under review

Can't share directory that starts with the name of another.

Arcane Scroll 8 months ago updated by Tom 8 months ago 4

Already sharing, for example, "/media/Comic Books/" but when I try to share the folder "/media/Comic Books - Golden Age/" it says "ERROR: Folder already shared or containing an already shared folder."  It appears to happen whenever two folder names contain the same beginning.

Not a bug

That's by design: shared folder must be distinct, one cannot contain another.

Please read again.  The folders are not contained in each other, they are two separate folders. 

For example:

/media/Folder 1/

/media/Folder 2/

/media/Folder 3/

These are all separate folders, they can not be shared, only the first one shared can.  Ubooquity seems to think Folder 2 and Folder 3 are sub folders of Folder 1.  This is a bug.  If I share Folder 1, I will be blocked from sharing Folder 2 and Folder 3.


Indeed I misread. I'll look into it.

Under review