Under review
Raw File Search
Please add the ability to search raw files. I use the raw files sections for a variety of things like magazines and RPG manuals, and having the ability to run a search based on file name would be incredibly helpful.
Customer support service by UserEcho
The "Raw Files" section is just a direct display of the files from the selected folder: there is no scan, nothing stored in Ubooquity database. That's why there is no search on this one, it's really a legacy feature completely separated from the rest of Ubooquity.
But why not use the "Magazine" and "Other" categories for your files ? You would be able to search them like books and comics.
I see no magazine or other categories to use. Using the latest 2.1.5 version, the only categories available are comics, books, and raw files.
Oh, indeed, I was talking about the version 3. v2 is not under developpement anymore.
OK, I have tried updating to V3, and I'm not entirely sure it's working. It has been scanning my directories for three straight days, and there is still "nothing in the database". Is this normal?
It finally completed scanning, and after manually restarting the server, it's now displaying the files. My only comment so far is that there does not appear to be a "home" button. The up button will only take you to the top of the category you're already in. There seems to be no easy way to get back to the category selection page. Possibly something you might want to add.
It's already fixed on my working branch, it'll be part of the next release.