Refreshing folders

john seedhouse 4 weeks ago updated by Wayne Glassbrook 5 days ago 1


This might be a completely Idiot User issue but I have my Ubooquity in an Unraid Docker and my comics on the same array.

If I move files from folder to folder I am left with orphan file links in the display. I cannot seem to see how to refresh/update this.

Thanks in advance.


Whenever you make a change to your libraries files and you want to see the changes reflected in Ubooquity immediately, go into the Ubooquity Admin > General > Content Scan section and click the LAUNCH NEW SCAN button. This will refresh the database with your changes. Obviously, depending on the size of your library and speed of your hardware, this could take a little while.

While you're in the Admin dashboard, you may want to change your "Automatic scan period" intervals and/or check your "Scan collection at launch" option.