unable to add folders of images (manga) as raw
I noticed that none of the manga folders were showing up under the comics section. In general, mangas are a bunch of loose images in a folder and it would be a huge task to go through and zip up the individual chapters.
I understand that the comics type is limited to cbr/cbz files so I added a folder of mangas under raw files but nothing shows up. What am I missing? Is the raw files sharing module limited to specific file types?
Customer support service by UserEcho
The raw file section is completely agnostic to the type of the files you share.
I just tested it to be sure: you can share folders of images.
Did you activate user management ? If so, did you give adequate rights for the image folder ?
Another possibility: some wide exclusion pattern (in the advanced settings) that might match the path of your image folder.
Thanks for the suggestions. Still no silver bullet.
no user management at the moment. The folder with images is a subfolder of the comics share so the permissions should be ok but I double-checked and they're set to 0777.
no exclusion pattern set at all...
This is the error I see in the log:
20160208 21:46:46 [pool-2-thread-2] WARN com.ubooquity.provider.rawfile.a - File not found: /opt/ubooquity/\extshares\hostcomics\Manga\
I'll mess around with it some more as time permits. It's helpful to know that it's supposed to work.
Did you try to write the path with slashes only ?
yeah. The path entered (and what is saved in the settings xml) is /extshares/hostcomics/Manga
Ubooquity is prepending the app path and flipping the slashes but it only happens with the raw provider. The comics path contains /extshares/hostcomics/Archive and that works fine, shows correctly. I has just updated to 1.9.0 and tried rolling back to 1.7.6 and get the same behavior.
I'll try characterizing it better this evening.
Might be a path conversion bug specific to raw files then. I'll take a look.
Nothing obvious in the code.
I don't understand why the app path is prepended to the path of your folder.
It's as if the entered path was "./extshares/hostcomics/Manga" (with a dot at the beginning).
I don't get why slashes are reversed either.
Did you use the GUI or the web interface to configure Ubooquity ? Neither should have accepted a nonexistent path (from Ubooquity's point of view) anyway.
I wish I had a good punchline, or a good joke for that matter.
I entered the paths through the web interface and I can verify that it will not accept a nonexistent path.
Here's the raw section straight out of the preferences.xml
I tested adding a different path, similar results:
20160210 20:03:36 [pool-2-thread-6] WARN com.ubooquity.provider.rawfile.a - File not found: /opt/ubooquity/\extshares\test\Manga\
I'm suspecting the startup script at this point since it appears different from what is on the download page. I'm going to look into that some more.
edit: looks like I was going off of the info in this thread: https://ubooquity.userecho.com/topic/506924-start-at-boot-on-ubuntu-deamonize/
There has to be a bug. I'll look for it.
Not sure if this is helpful but I removed the path info off of the java run line in the startup file
Now I'm getting an actual java error when I navigate to the raw folder ( myserver:2202/files/ ):
Just in case the crash was caused by something in one of the other libraries, I cleared out the books and comics libraries. So now my config is just:
I started up the server and requested the raw files section:
Here's my config in case that helps:
Ok, thanks to your logs I found at least one problem.
The "raw files" section won't work with Java 7 until I fix it.
(I broke it in the latest release)
I have built a version with a fix for the Java 7 compatibility problem and additional logs.
Could you try it and post the lines of the error you get when accessing your files ?
That looks like it fixed whatever was bombing out. I'm now able to browse a directory through the raw files section.
The only other odd thing I noticed is the name of the raw files module is wrong on the admin page but that's totally cosmetic. Thanks for the fix.
Good ! :)
I'll fix the typo as well, thanks.