
Since upgrading to v1.9.0 my Latest Comics section is blank and doesn't update

Tom Davies 9 years ago updated 9 years ago 8

Since I upgraded to v1.9.0, my Latest Comics section is blank. Even more odd, if I add a comic and rescan, it is still blank, but the new comic appears in the proper place in the Comics section. It's not a big deal, but I figured I should let you know.

Under review

Thanks for pointing it out. I'll investigate.

Seems like manually kicking off the scan did not populate the latest comics, but when the scan ran automatically (I have it set to run once a day), it populated. Strange.

After the automatic scan populated the latest comics page it was good until I did a manual scan. That wiped the latest comics page out again.

I guess you are using user authentication ?

If so, I might have a lead.

Yes, I do use user authentication.


Found it.
