Under review

Pound Proxy Image Problem

Dessie 9 years ago updated 9 years ago 2

Hi Tom,

I run a Pound reverse proxy to farm out my internal sites with SSL offloading. I've been happily running Ubooquity through it for a while, but as a separate site, i.e. ubooquity.mydomain.com. Works perfectly apart from needing a separate certificate for SSL which is a slight pain.

Today I decided to change it to try out the built in reverse proxy feature. So I stuck "comics" into the reverse proxy prefix and changed Pound to redirect to it. So the domain now becomes www.mydomain.com/comics.

However it seems a bit flaky. Images don't always load. For example in the attached screenshot, there are 5 covers. Only 3 actually show the image, the other 2 show the <broken> symbol. The links themselves still work, but not the images. If I refresh, all 5 might work, or 4, or a different 3.

Image 93

I don't see anything on the Ubooquity logs. Not much on the Pound logs either. Also the comic reader itself just spins. Not a killer issue, as I can go back to the way things were. But any ideas?

Here are Pound logs. 19 and 132 are the ones that didn't work. 301, 18 and 127 did.

Apr 10 08:49:46 poundproxy pound: NULL get_thr_arg
Apr 10 08:49:46 poundproxy pound: message repeated 4 times: [ NULL get_thr_arg]
Apr 10 08:49:46 poundproxy pound: GET /comics/comics/17/ HTTP/1.1 - HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Apr 10 08:49:46 poundproxy pound: GET /comics/scripts/tools.js HTTP/1.1 - REDIRECT https://www.mydomain/comics/
Apr 10 08:49:46 poundproxy pound: GET /comics/comics/19/?cover=true HTTP/1.1 - REDIRECT https://www.mydomain/comics/
Apr 10 08:49:46 poundproxy pound: GET /comics/theme/comics.css HTTP/1.1 - HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified
Apr 10 08:49:46 poundproxy pound: GET /comics/comics/18/?cover=true HTTP/1.1 - HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified
Apr 10 08:49:46 poundproxy pound: GET /comics/ HTTP/1.1 - HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Apr 10 08:49:46 poundproxy pound: GET /comics/ HTTP/1.1 - HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Apr 10 08:49:46 poundproxy pound: GET /comics/comics/127/?cover=true HTTP/1.1 - HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified
Apr 10 08:49:46 poundproxy pound: GET /comics/comics/132/?cover=true HTTP/1.1 - REDIRECT https://www.mydomain/comics/
Apr 10 08:49:46 poundproxy pound: GET /comics/theme/arrowleft10.png HTTP/1.1 - HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified
Apr 10 08:49:46 poundproxy pound: GET /comics/theme/arrowleft.png HTTP/1.1 - HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified
Apr 10 08:49:46 poundproxy pound: GET /comics/theme/settings.png HTTP/1.1 - HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified
Apr 10 08:49:46 poundproxy pound: NULL get_thr_arg
Apr 10 08:49:46 poundproxy pound: NULL get_thr_arg
Apr 10 08:49:46 poundproxy pound: GET /comics/theme/arrowup.png HTTP/1.1 - HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified
Apr 10 08:49:46 poundproxy pound: GET /comics/theme/search.png HTTP/1.1 - HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified
Apr 10 08:49:46 poundproxy pound: GET /comics/theme/random.png HTTP/1.1 - REDIRECT https://www.mydomain/comics/
Apr 10 08:49:46 poundproxy pound: GET /comics/theme/arrowright.png HTTP/1.1 - REDIRECT https://www.mydomain/comics/
Apr 10 08:49:46 poundproxy pound: GET /comics/theme/arrowright10.png HTTP/1.1 - HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified
Apr 10 08:49:46 poundproxy pound: GET /comics/theme/dimoverlay.png HTTP/1.1 - HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified
Apr 10 08:49:46 poundproxy pound: GET /comics/ HTTP/1.1 - HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Apr 10 08:49:46 poundproxy pound: GET /comics/ HTTP/1.1 - REDIRECT https://www.mydomain/comics/
Apr 10 08:49:46 poundproxy pound: GET /comics/ HTTP/1.1 - REDIRECT https://www.mydomain/comics/
Apr 10 08:49:46 poundproxy pound: GET /comics/ HTTP/1.1 - HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Apr 10 08:49:46 poundproxy pound: GET /comics/ HTTP/1.1 - HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Apr 10 08:49:47 poundproxy pound: GET /comics/comics/301/?cover=true HTTP/1.1 - HTTP/1.1 304 Not Modified
Apr 10 08:49:47 poundproxy pound: GET /comics/theme/android-chrome-192x192.png HTTP/1.1 - HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Under review

I don't know exactly why you have this problem, but the symptoms you describe remind me of a HTTP Pipelining issue that some users (including me) have encountered when using Ubooquity with an iOS Browser.

I'am currently trying to replace the internal HTTP server used by Ubooquity (NanoHTTPD) with Jetty, a more robust alternative, to try to solve this issue. But there is still work to do (meaning I don't know yet when it'll be ready) and I have no idea if it will change something to your situation.

Thanks for the reply. Like I said, it's not a huge problem for me. If the web server ever changes, I'll give it another go and update.