Add Summary to Comics
Hello, i'm very new at this (new as like, i found out about ubooquity 2 days ago) and i've already done port-forwarding and "installed" or bookmarked it in every device i own, and even gave my friends the public ip address so they could read and download my collection. Today i installed the comixology theme (wich i like very much) but when ever i click a comic i doesn't show the summary part, neither did the default theme. i don't know if it is theme or app or comic related or how to fix it. can someone help me?
P.S. - I use comicrack, the books are all scrapped and updated, and within comicrack, when i right click them and choose the "info..." option, all the details, plot, etc are there. maybe it's not comic related. Dont Know
Customer support service by UserEcho
Ubooquity does indeed display the ComicRack metadata when they are found in the comic file.
To check if this metadata file is present, open one of your comics with an archive tool (Winzip, 7zip, Bandizip...) and look for a file named ComicInfo.xml.
If the file exists, the metadata should be displayed in Ubooquity. If you don't see them, there might be a bug and I'd be interested in getting the comic file to see what went wrong.
If the file does not exist, Ubooquity can't display metadata.
More details about metadata in ComicRack
(ComicRack can only write CBZ and CB7 files. So if you added metadata to CBR files using ComicRack, it'll stay in the ComicRack internal database)
the comicinfo.xml doesnt appear on the comic although they are all scrapped and updated through ComicRack.
i could send you the comics for you to see it but i cant upload them there.
Check this thread first.
If the ComicInfo.xml fil is not in the comic archive, there is nothing Ubooquity can do about it anyway.
My guess is the problem lies on ComicRack side.
I searched Comicrack forums and found out that it only writes metadata on CBZ files and cant write on CBR. So if I select all the comics, scrap them (they are all scrapped, but just to be sure), update book files and update webcomics, and finally export them as CBZ the metadata is embedded in them. The only thing is i got one thousand and so on comics, and the export process takes some time depending on the size of the CBR, so isnt there anyway that ubooquity could read the ComickDB.xml that's in the ComicRack folder and show the info of the selected comic?
That would make everything easier and i wouldnt spend time either exporting CBR to CBZ or making myself the ComicInfo.xml by hand
I have a batch file that will convert CBRs to CBZs if you're interested. But you'd have to rescrape the whole collection, which would be tedious. It's probably easiest to export them in ComicRack as CBZ.
I understand that this is a tiresome process, but I have no plans to integrate the Comicrack database with Ubooquity, sorry.
You can read a detailed explanation in this thread.
Also, this is another example of why CBR should disappear in favor of CBZ.
Check the structure of your cbz file