
Extract First Page

John Repetti 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 7

When Ubooquity imports a new issue, it would be great for there to be an extract page option where the first image/page of an issue would be extracted into the comic folder.

If this option were available, comic readers such as Challenger Viewer could be set to look for cover files instead of having to download the entire comic file to extract the art itself.

This would be a very efficient method for importing a Ubooquity/OPDS database, especially for large databases.

What are you using to get the issues?

Many other programs, such as Mylar, already do this. So, while this would be nice, I wouldn't expect it to be at the top of the list.

I don't see an option for this feature in Mylar. How does someone achieve this?

Advanced Settings


3rd or so check box down, place jpg in each folder

That option will only generate a cover.jpg image for the series, not every issue.

Ah, I was wrong then. I'm sorry. :(


Covers are already available in the OPDS feed through an explicit link.

So any application using the feed can already use the cover without having to download the whole file.

I'm not a fan of cover extraction (it kind of "pollute" your collection with external files), especially since the cover are already for download through the server itself.

There are OPDS and Ubooquity server options in Challenger Viewer. I will try them both to see which grabs the jpg file instead of the entire issue. Thanks