
Feature: add Ratings to comics

Elouan 8 years ago updated 8 years ago 2

Since you plan to add a read status to comics, I believe this would be fairly easy to implement

I'm assuming you are going to have a table keeping track of the reading status of each comics for each user.

You could add in the same table, a column keeping track of comic's rating by user. This way we could have new benefits:

1: when opening the comics, provide ratings in the details window(and if the user has not put any rating, ubooquity could compute an average for all users)

2: folder (or any grouping), could display an average of the ratings for all comics within the folder/group below the image (again: display average for the connected user or the average over all users if no user ratings are available)

3: (in a future) a new sorting criteria for comics


I'm not convinced by the "average" feature, but user ratings could indeed be interesting.

I'll this feature to my backlog (won't be done with read status though, I'll try to release something before 2017 before adding new features)


Good news!

Here is the benefit I see in the "average" feature: I've opened my server to several friends, and being able to rate and see the average would allow each other to get information of what comics are worth reading when we are wrowsing through the collection without knowing what to read first