[ 2.0 ] Install Ubooquity 2 in docker
Hi there,
For all docker addicts, I wrote a docker file and docker-compose one to install Ubooquity v2.
They are accessible here : https://github.com/zerpex/ubooquity-docker
With default parameters, Ubooquity is available through :
Admin page : http://your-ip:55604/admin
Enjoy :)
Customer support service by UserEcho
Are you sure about those default ports? Those numbers are not the defaults in your script on github.
You're right, it was the good ports when I made the post, but since I "normilized" them to make it simplier.. just forgot to update here.
Good ports are :
2202 for Ubooquity
2502 for admin
Sorry !
As cromignon doesn't seems to reply; I made my own docker repository :
So you can pull the image directly from :
docker pull zerpex/ubooquity-docker
thanks it works fine on qnap
great, all feed back are welcomes :)
You will update with release 2.0.2 ?
yes all is good
Just updated image to 2.0.2.
I also have Ubooquity on a Docker. But I made a volume where I put ubooquity.jar and all his files. So I can update easily by copying the new file in the folder.
That a different point of view, your solution need the user to do the update manualy. Mine need users to wait after me to update my image, but for them its fully automated.
Both have advantages and drawbacks.
Since I'm a Docker user myself, I wanted to see how you sorted this out. Dockerfile looks great.
Could you not automate the download of my theme? I use the forum for distribution so I can sort out issues. Also by downloading it into the container on Docker hub, it won't update when I do.
I wrote it for a test, but because of the way docker share folders between the host and the container, the theme don't work like that (it is not displayed at all). I never troubleshooted that part of the script, so don't worry, no one is able to use it directly from my image ;)
Of course, no problem for me to remove these part :)
Setup the 2.0.2 beta via Qnap Container Station/Docker. Creates container and imports the zerpex/ubooquity-docker:latest image w/o any errors. However, admittedly a noob to Docker, I simply cannot figure out how to pull up the admin console.
The command field in the docker container panel shows:
java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar -Xmx512m /ubooquity/Ubooquity.jar -workdir /config -headless -libraryport 22
The install details:
20170530 17:06:47 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - Running with the following parameters - headless: true, libraryport: 2202, adminport:
2, remoteadmin: true, host: null, debug: false, execdir: /config
In the browser I have tried:
Allways get:
This site can’t be reached. 192.168.x.xxx refused to connect.
I have done an apache restart, no help there.
It's gotta be something simple, but I sure ain't seeing it yet!
Try :
2502/admin for console
2202 for app
Same error message on ip:2502/admin, as well as the app access at ip:2202
Can you please post result of the following commands ?
docker ps
docker logs
In the "terminal" window, I typed docker ps:
First I see a popup window: Process exited with code 126. Click ok, then
rpc error: code = 2 desc = "oci runtime error: exec failed: exec: \"docker\": executable file not found in $PATH"
for docker logs same popup window error then:
rpc error: code = 2 desc = "oci runtime error: exec failed: exec: \"docker\": executable file not found in $PATH"
Here is the startup log in the console:
20170530 18:19:53 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - Running with the following parameters - headless: true, libraryport: 2202, adminport: 2502, remoteadmin: true, host: null, debug: false, execdir: /config
20170530 18:19:53 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - #############################
20170530 18:19:53 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - # Starting Ubooquity #
20170530 18:19:53 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - #############################
20170530 18:19:53 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - Java version: 1.8.0_111-internal
20170530 18:19:53 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - Java vendor: Oracle Corporation
20170530 18:19:53 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - Max heap size available: 455 MB
20170530 18:19:53 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - OS name: Linux
20170530 18:19:53 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - OS version: 4.2.8
20170530 18:19:53 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - OS architecture: amd64
20170530 18:19:53 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - Loading local version info
20170530 18:19:53 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - Ubooquity 2.0.2 built on 2017-04-24 at 20:52
20170530 18:19:53 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - Creating application folders
20170530 18:19:53 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - Loading preferences
20170530 18:19:54 [main] INFO org.eclipse.jetty.util.log - Logging initialized @3888ms to org.eclipse.jetty.util.log.Slf4jLog
20170530 18:19:54 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.b - Starting internal server...
20170530 18:19:54 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.b - Reverse proxy prefix is not activated
20170530 18:19:54 [Scanner thread] INFO com.ubooquity.data.feeder.a - Scanning books directories
20170530 18:19:54 [Scanner thread] INFO com.ubooquity.data.feeder.a - Finished scanning books directories, populating folders content cache
20170530 18:19:54 [Scanner thread] INFO com.ubooquity.data.feeder.a - Books folder content cache populated
20170530 18:19:54 [Scanner thread] INFO com.ubooquity.data.feeder.a - Scanning comics directories
20170530 18:19:54 [Scanner thread] INFO com.ubooquity.data.feeder.a - Finished scanning comics directories, populating folders content cache
20170530 18:19:54 [Scanner thread] INFO com.ubooquity.data.feeder.a - Comics folder content cache populated
20170530 18:19:54 [Scanner thread] INFO com.ubooquity.data.feeder.a - Comics statistics: [total: 0, added or updated: 0, removed: 0]
20170530 18:19:54 [Scanner thread] INFO com.ubooquity.data.feeder.a - Books statistics: [total: 0, added or updated: 0, removed: 0]
20170530 18:19:54 [main] INFO org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server - jetty-9.4.0.v20161208
20170530 18:19:54 [main] INFO o.e.j.server.handler.ContextHandler - Started o.e.j.s.h.ContextHandler@4082ba93{/,null,AVAILABLE,@admin}
20170530 18:19:54 [main] INFO o.e.j.server.handler.ContextHandler - Started o.e.j.s.h.ContextHandler@17fc391b{/,null,AVAILABLE,@library}
20170530 18:19:54 [main] INFO o.e.jetty.server.AbstractConnector - Started library@7c639a2d{HTTP/1.1,[http/1.1]}{}
20170530 18:19:54 [main] INFO o.e.jetty.server.AbstractConnector - Started admin@5c80cf32{HTTP/1.1,[http/1.1]}{}
20170530 18:19:54 [main] INFO org.eclipse.jetty.server.Server - Started @4236ms
20170530 18:19:54 [main] INFO com.ubooquity.b - Internal server started. Listening on port 2202 (library) and 2502 (admin)
Tyep Q then ENTER to exit
20170530 18:19:55 [Timer-0] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - Checking latest available Ubooquity version from website
20170530 18:19:56 [Timer-0] INFO com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - Latest version available: 1.10.1 - Current version: 2.0.2
Ok, figured the errors out...no need to put in "docker", just "ps" :
ps =
1 root 0:06 java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar -Xmx512m /ubooquity/Ubooq
47 root 0:00 ps
logs or log = Same error message as before.
found "docker.log" (qnap buries this really deep, LoL) Anyway here are the last few entries:
time="2017-05-30T11:39:01.499475681-07:00" level=error msg="Error running exec in container: rpc error: code = 2 desc = \"oci runtime error: exec failed: exec: \\\"log\\\": executable file not found in $PATH\"\n"
----------------------time="2017-05-30T11:39:01.499547525-07:00" level=error msg="Handler for POST /v1.23/exec/8d364bb0d2921a6b9b0b32408ba2466c6076d77bee50b020e968e64f9d3b6e13/start returned error: rpc error: code = 2 desc = \"oci runtime error: exec failed: exec: \\\"log\\\": executable file not found in $PATH\""
2017/05/30 11:39:01 http: response.WriteHeader on hijacked connection
2017/05/30 11:39:01 http: response.Write on hijacked connection
time="2017-05-30T11:39:02.194611397-07:00" level=error msg="Handler for POST /v1.23/exec/8d364bb0d2921a6b9b0b32408ba2466c6076d77bee50b020e968e64f9d3b6e13/resize returned error: rpc error: code = 2 desc = \"containerd: processs not found for container\""
time="2017-05-30T11:40:20.796687825-07:00" level=error msg="Handler for POST /v1.23/exec/00285edf0bbb706ddd996aa038af8a07be2e13d6bacf7f31075cf3d933ced65e/resize returned error: rpc error: code = 2 desc = \"containerd: processs not found for container\""
[/share/Web] #
"hijacked connection" does not sound good, so am going to delete the docker/image, reboot the nas, and try a fresh reinstall.
Humm, I must admit that I don't understand with these logs !
I am no Qnap specialist and don't know if there are subtilities :/
Maybe @kenji can help ?
Just an FYI.
Instead of putting in ip:2202, I simply clicked on the link in the Docker control panel, ie
That gives me the Ubooquity logo page, but black screen with:
Sorry, you are not authorized to access any file on this server
If I then put in hxxp://192.168.x.xxx:32770/admin,
it gives me a simple page with:
So it appears the mapping from that port to 2202/2502, etc is not working for one reason or another.
Would it help to try to activate that? If so, how?
did you solve the issue?
I am sorry, but I have no way to reproduce as I don't have a QNAP. So it's impossible for me to test this and try to solve the issue.
I don't even know how QNAP manage docker.
How does it works ? Do you have an interface ? a docker-compose ? do you run it directly through a "docker run" command ?
thanks for reply
I am sorry too :-(
I am a newbie! so I just used the "app" installed from Qnap App Center named "container station" and it creates the docker where I download your package "zerpex/ubooquity-docker"
That's it!
In the meantime I discovered that my port 2202 and 2502 are not opened !!! I did the port-forwarding in my router but they are still down :-(
I need to check with my ISP .....
According to this tutorial : https://www.qnap.com/en/how-to/tutorial/article/how-to-use-container-station
QNAP makes a default run and bind the ports by itself.
Anyway, you should find the binded ports on container station's interface :
(see the "URL" part under the "Running" status).
when you create docker, on "host" put 2202 and 2502, by default is empty, so qnap take another port
Don't forget map your drive
in my case, i have share folder on qnap :
- comics : all my CBR files (/share/comics)
- Ubooquity/config : i can acces via SMB for config ubooquity file, and not connect by ssh)
Hi folks!!!!
You have opened my mind on this!
Thanks so much
I realized that I didn't configure out anything during the installation of the docker.... a poor man!
Now is working perfectly:
Just install using the docker container of zerpex, set the advance setting as suggested by Kenji et voilà nothing else. QNAP takes care of everything about ports and so on
Only thing to be done to complete the installation, address the port 2202 to the NAS in the router to access remotely and for dynamic IP set up DDNS always in the router (I use no-IP service)
Now I am happy man because I learnt a lot and I can store, read and download everywhere to any devices my ebooks and comics!
thanks again!
Yes, it seems the mapping is not the default one. You used the docker-compose I made ?
Anyway, you should be able to find correct ports with "docker ps". This command show the mapping !
I followed the bouncing ball in the qnap container station Docker setup. I selected your version of Uboo and it downloaded the image and created the container. Again, this is my first install using this qnap setup.
I don't see a way to alter much of anything, which is probably because I an not familiar with it. When it created the container, it did have a entry for 'command' prior to the install, but I have no idea what to put in there so left it blank.
It looks like it is possible to get an image manually and then have the Container Station create the docker for it, but still see no way for customization...I am learning, but slowly, LoL.
For example you say enter "docker ps". I tried that in the "command" window and it simply errors out. Is there some other way? I ssh into the nas, but "docker" is not an executable in the path.
Hopefully someone with a successful install using the qnap container station and Uboo will be able to give me some pointers...
OK, so QNAP has it's own interface to manage containers installation. I don't know how it works, so I can't help, sorry :/
Actually, to install a container on a linux based server, U can use a file that is a kind of receipe used to set up all option, so you can specify the ports you want to use.
I'm a bit late (didn't noticed that update, sorry), but I just updated my image to Ubooquity 2.1.0.
If someone fork my repository in order to do this kind of updates, don't hesitate to make a pull request so that I'll be noticed and merge the pull :)
I meant to come back and make a pull request, just forgot. Sorry!
np ;)
I am working on a dev branch where Ubooquity installation is made at the run process and installs the latest version at this moment.
This should solve upgrade issue as users will only have to down and up their container to get latest Ubooquity.