
Sort by Date Published

Tzir_Blake 8 years ago updated by Zack Weishaus 10 months ago 1

Howdy Ubooquity Team!

Firstly, I just wanted to thank you for all of your great work! I can't even begin to imagine all the hours and work that have gone into designing Ubooquity...

I was curious if sorting by "Date Published" was something that may be in the works? I currently have my comic books in CBZ format with metadata (scraped from ComicVine) written into the archive itself. Is Ubooquity able to read this metadata and use the date published for sorting?


This feature would be a gamechanger for me. It's the reason I'm still using ComicStreamer, even though ComicStreamer is buggy and has a horribly unintuitive interface... But it has better sorting options. This allows you to, for example, automatically sort two (or more) series that were running at the same time into one reading list. It's especially useful when storylines run through several different series at the same time. Otherwise you have to jump around from folder to folder, trying to keep track of what order the issues were released yourself.