Command line arguments error

Dave 8 years ago updated by Anton Baur 8 years ago 11

Hi Guys, 

Still struggling to instal Ubooquity on my Synology DS216j. (DSM 6.1.3-15152 Update 1 )

I followed your instructions on Tutorials Synology but somehow it won't start up...

Log which I found:

2017-07-23T23:13:05+1200 Command line arguments error: joptsimple.UnrecognizedOptionException: p is not a recognized option Launch Ubooquity with the "--help" option to display available commands 

Ubooquity has stopped

Anyone an idea how to solve that issue?

Ahve a look at the post about installation of version 2.0 on synology: there has been some changes in new version of ubooquity that makes a big difference

I should find the time to rewrite the tutorial, but I don't understand how to use git for this

 it will be good to get a guide. nothing of these tutorials seems to work.

2017-07-28T19:49:26+1200 Command line arguments error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The provided execution directory does not exist or is not writable Launch Ubooquity with the "--help" option to display available commands

2017-07-28T19:49:26+1200 Ubooquity has stopped

2017-07-28T20:44:21+1200 Error: Unable to access jarfile Ubooquity.jar

nothing is working. still get

2017-07-28T19:49:26+1200 Command line arguments error: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The provided execution directory does not exist or is not writable
Launch Ubooquity with the "--help" option to display available commands

2017-07-28T19:49:26+1200 Ubooquity has stopped

Thanks! will give it a go tonight

What is your command line? If you could provide it, it would be easier to help

Hi Elouan, well I'm useing the command line which you send me the link of? 

 I just made some adjustments because Java doesn't operate in "/var/packages/java8/target/ejdk1.8.0_121/linux_arm_sflt/jre/bin/"

and I changed the port to 35065

and my work dir to /Ebooks

start on started httpd-user

stop on runlevel [06]

#============================================ #     

Ubooquity # description: upstart job configuration file for automatically #   starting ubooquity when syno starts # title  :ubooquity.conf # date  :16 05 2017 # version : 2.0.2 (tested for ubooquity version...) # original source: ubooquity forum about special characters #   http://ubooquity.userecho.com/topic/907059-comics-not-imported-umlaut-mark-bug/ 


description "start/stop Ubooquity" author "Elouan Le Bretton" version "Ubooquity Version 2.0.2; java version 1.8.0_121 "

# automatically start ubooquity after webserver has been started # DSM 5.0 = httpd-user (apache); DSM 6.0 = nginx start on started nginx

# stop ubooquity on stop on runlevel [06]

# Automatically respawn if ubooquity stops unexpetedly respawn respawn limit 5 500 # expect stop [this seems to be expected sometime but requires testing to be sure)

# run the scripts as the 'http' user; because running as root (the default) is a bad idea. setuid http

script  # installation settings  JAVA_DIR=/var/packages/Java8/target/j2sdk-image/bin/java  WORK_DIR=/volume1/Ebooks/.Ubooquity2  PCKG_DIR=/var/packages/Ubooquity  PCKG_BIN=Ubooquity.jar  # app settings  PORT=35065  ADMINPORT=35066  MEM=256m

 # This ensures that ubooquity reads special characters properly  

ENCO=UTF-8  LANG=fr_FR.$ENCO  export LANG    

# Main command for ubooquity  

exec "$JAVA_DIR/java" -Dfile.encoding=$ENCO -Xmx$MEM -jar $PCKG_DIR/$PCKG_BIN --libraryport $PORT --workdir "$WORK_DIR"  --adminport $ADMINPORT --remoteadmin --headless end script

I also tried your new way to use the "task scheduler" on Synology DSM 6.1. didn't worked either. A clear instruction would be helpful. Task starts and ends in the same secound


Don't change the java location setting. Keep it as written in the other thread, valid for all synology (not the same than what is displayed on the GUI however, indeed)

Did you adapted the location of your ubooquity binary?

What says ubooquity logs? 


Okay, well it might work on your side but I don't have your java location on my Synology. That's for sure.

Changing it back to "/var/packages/java8/target/ejdk1.8.0_121/linux_arm_sflt/jre/bin/" gives me just one error messages.... which is not surprising.

2017-07-29T10:06:16+1200 /proc/self/fd/9: line 17: /var/packages/java8/target/ejdk1.8.0_121/linux_arm_sflt/jre/bin/java: No such file or directory
2017-07-29T10:06:16+1200 /proc/self/fd/9: line 17: /var/packages/java8/target/ejdk1.8.0_121/linux_arm_sflt/jre/bin/java: No such file or directory
2017-07-29T10:06:16+1200 /proc/self/fd/9: line 17: /var/packages/java8/target/ejdk1.8.0_121/linux_arm_sflt/jre/bin/java: No such file or directory
2017-07-29T10:06:16+1200 /proc/self/fd/9: line 17: /var/packages/java8/target/ejdk1.8.0_121/linux_arm_sflt/jre/bin/java: No such file or directory
2017-07-29T10:06:16+1200 /proc/self/fd/9: line 17: /var/packages/java8/target/ejdk1.8.0_121/linux_arm_sflt/jre/bin/java: No such file or directory
2017-07-29T10:06:16+1200 /proc/self/fd/9: line 17: /var/packages/java8/target/ejdk1.8.0_121/linux_arm_sflt/jre/bin/java: No such file or directory

Here a screenshot from my ubooquity location: 

Screenshot .conf

Hello Dave,

i've seen your problem today, and i might able to help you :

first of all, please "clear" / uninstall any pervious manual JAVA installations - that makes the following quite easier. 

There is a instruction to get Java with the Synology Package Manager found under 


, or you can get it manually step-by-step with the script found on the same Website.

After installing JAVA with the Synology Package Manager or running manually the JAVA installer script, 

you should able to run Ubooquity from your current location with 

/usr/local/bin/java /var/packages/Ubooquity/Ubooquity.jar --headless --remoteadmin 

If this runs without any problems, your installation works.  

Now edit your /etc/init/ubooquity.conf line with "JAVA_DIR=" to "JAVA_DIR=/usr/local/bin"    

After all, you can hopefully continue with the Ubooquity Synology Instalation found here ..

hope this helps 


@ Tom : Just a little hint - The JAVA installer Script created by rednoah (found under 


should always be mentioned in any Ubooquity installation manual/tutorial, because it is very easy-to-handle - 

only su / root or "Administrator" privileges are required, and the binary ist always (hard-)linked to /usr/local/bin  ... 

and by the way : a very BIG THANK YOU to your great work !