Under review
Ubooquity on QNAP with absolute path finds already existing files as new ones at each new scan
I have installed Qtoolbox's version of Ubooquity on my TS253A and set my comic directory with absolute path.
Everything goes well except that some already existing comics are systematically considered as new comics every time I run a new scan, => they pollute the latest release tab.
I have configured a daily automatic scan.
Any idea how to solve that ? (Is it from Ubooquity or from QNAP?)
Thank you,
Customer support service by UserEcho
Hello QNAP,
can you please post here a log entry from your running ubooquity installation where a already scanned file is listed ?
And did you install ubooquity via qpkg from gnapclub or via manual installation - i didn't find any version from Qtoolbox...
Best regards
I get it on comics with letters with accents : éèêëàáâîï etc
Problem while reading comic metadata
Package got from Stephane aka QoolBox
your installed the qpkg-version - small tip : Stephane released some days ago the original 2.1.1 version as qpkg.
I also had like you the problem with non-basic letters, in German specially "äöüß", so i renamed it into
"international" writings (ä=ae, ö=oe, ü=ue and ß=ss) and voila : never see the double-scanned-file-entries again ...
I dont know how this goes for your special letters, but it is only a workaround, not a solution...
It may happen because the JAVA Runtime installed on your NAS cannot handle this special letters in your file system
OR the database (or the scan engine) has some trouble using UTF8 ... ?
@Tom : Did you implement in your DB (or the scan engine) the UTF8 or just ISO-8859-x codepage ?
Hope that may explain your problem - but it is still not solved, just work-arounded ;-) ..
Best regards from Munich !
Hi Anton, Yes I have just installed 2.1.1 made by Stephane.
And as everytime I upgrade my ubooquity, it redoes a full scan (it does not use the former DB). And as before, the same bug for the next scans.
I have seen in the forum an equivalent bug fixed by @Tom about comma in filenames : "Problem while reading comic metadata".
A similar fix for "accented" letters in filenames may be made.
Java is completely Unicode "compliant". As is the H2 database used in UBooquity. I even did a few tests with Japanese and Korean titles.
The problem comes from the underlying OS. If your environment is not configured to run processes with more than just the ASCII charset (as it happens on some NAS), you'll have issues.
There is no single workaround (different users reported different results with different system settings), but you can take a look at this thread:
Also, these ones might contain interesting info as well:
Hello Tom,
thanks a lot for posting this links, the first seem to describe the solution :
the qoolbox-qpkg version install the /etc/init.d/UbooQuity.sh only with the support for
I've changed it to fit my here needed German localisation
, changed some already renamed files with "ue" letters to "ü" and start a new scanning, and - et voilà ! - it works !
@QNAP : select your country code from the following table
and replace any found
in your /etc/init.d/UbooQuity.sh with the previous selected.
Restart your Ubooquity-server, start a scan process and after it's finished, start a scan process again.
after the finish of the 2nd scan, check your log - the scan may now stopped reimporting previous imported comics/books..
Thanks again @ Tom
Hope that helps, QNAP
best regards !
Works like a charm.
@ QNAP : your welcome !
@Tom: Thanks again for posting the links !
Within the help inside the first link provided this case can be closed, nothing more to do - just keep comic reading again ...
Best regards
I have erased my DB and made a rescan : now scan skips files with "accents".