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Empty folders
first off hello ya'll and let me say, this is exactly what ive been lookin for and its worked pretty well til now. Not sure if its a bug or me, but theres some files that end up just being inside seemingly empty folders with the default "cover" ubooquity uses. When i click them it gives me the option to download or read, when read is clicked it just says could not open file. ive tried refreshing and re-adding my entire library but to no avail. if my description wasnt clear enough let me know ill try my best to share some more details on my situation.
Customer support service by UserEcho
the symptoms you describe usually happen with files that have an extension recognized by Ubooquity (cbr, cbz, pdf, epub, mobi) but that can't be opened by Ubooquity.
The reasons the files can't be opened can be (among others):
- encrypted file
- DRM protected file
- corrupted file
- wrong file extension with a real file type not supported by Ubooquity
- etc.
When this happens, an error will be written to your log file during the scan. Take one of your files that have this problem and look for its name of in the log file, you should find the error.You can also send me the full log file (tom 'at' vaemendis.net) so that I can take a look at the errors that occurred and check if everything works as intended.
thanks Tom
All failing files are CBR files. So I suppose the problem comes from the library I use to read RAR (CBR) files. The files are either corrupted or use a specific version of RAR that is not supported by the library.
Unfortunately there is not much I can do to solve the problem. If you want them to be readable in Ubooquity I would advise to recompress them (extract the content of the files and recompress them).
If you send me one of the files I can try to understand a bit more what's the problem, but I'm quite pessimistic on the outcome.
I suspect that the removal of the "thumbs.db" file from the archive triggered a recompression by WinRar which fixed the problem (meaning that a simple recompression without removing the "thumbs.db" would have worked too).
I have in my comic folders some folders that have no know comics files (cbr, cbz or pdf) but only jpg files, and ubooquity shows a white folder with 0 comics. Would it be possible not to show such folders with 0 comics cbr, cbz or pdf files?
Thanks in advance
I have not been able to reproduce this problem (at least on Windows): I have a lot of comics whose names contains accents, and they all work fine.
Could you check in your log file if there are some errors when Ubooquity tries to import the files ? (if you want, just send me the log file and I'll take a look).
And could you tell me which operating system you use (Windows, Linux, OS X...) ?
I've managed to get the latest version (1.7.0) running on my Synology NAS thanks to the detailed instructions of Matthew Sanders. The link to the Synology installer packages (http://www.synologylab.webspace.virginmedia.com/files/) however does NOT seem to work anymore... I don't know if you can do something about this but I think a lot of Sysnology owners would really appreciate to have this link operational again.
I bumped into the same problem of not being able to read/stream .cbr format comics as described above! The funny things however are:
- Sometimes the first page (=cover page) can be read, but the following not
- The server however ALWAYS seems to be able to generate the Thumb <= so if it takes this from the .cbr I don't really get why it (sometimes) would not read the first page (=cover page) when in 'read' mode...
Anyway, extracting and re-RARing the complete .cbr directory seems to solve the problem... However, as I have many .cbr files that give me this problem I presume I'm not the only one and it would be great to have it solved from the code side. I would be happy to assist in any way I can (send you log files and/or .cbr files that can't be read...)Oh, and something else: is there ANY iOS app that uses the OPDS feed (or any other API that you would have integrated into your server code) and hence does NOT use the Web i/f? It seems like Chunky Comic Reader holds the best cards but I can't seem to get connected to my server somehow... I must be doing something wrong. I enter the following as OPDS Server address: MyIP:2202/opds-comics (even tried MyUserName:MyPassWord@MyIP:2202/opds-comics) but that does not seem to work. Any advise here?
However, there's no streaming service then... :-( <= only downloading
According to his signature, the packages he made are available on the following repository: https://synopackages.welike.technology/
Might be worth a try...
But to be honest I never understood why people thought it would be a good idea to package comics in RAR files rather than in Zip files. Personally I convert all the cbr files I get to cbz files as a matter of principle.
Thanks for getting back to me so swift!
According to his signature, the packages he made are available on the following repository:https://synopackages.welike.technology/
Might be worth a try... <= already added the link to my package sources but nothing comes up...
But to be honest I never understood why people thought it would be a good idea to package comics in RAR files rather than in Zip files. Personally I convert all the cbr files I get to cbz files as a matter of principle. <= OK, fair enough! I'll write a script to recompress all the .cbr files (maybe to cbz if there's a real advantage to this) so that the problem gets fixed
The advantage to re-archiving your files to CBZ is that zip archives are read and written to much quicker than rar. That makes scanning new files and extracting their metadata/thumbnail quicker when your files are zips. We should also support the open standard instead of the proprietary algorithm ;)
You can very quickly convert all of your files by:
Regarding the web interface I agree that it is missing some basic functionality, but Tom had mentioned in another thread that the generated html is very closely tied to the program language in such a way that it would be very difficult to externalize the interface for modders and skinners.
I wrote an User Script (greasemonkey) that leveraged jQuery to add in features like caching pages, supporting device widths less than 1024 pixels, manually setting page width and auto-adjusting page-width for less than 1024 pixels, but there was a roadblock where I didn't want to have to go back over the script everytime Ubooquity goes up a version and the GreaseMonkey Firefox addon isn't available in Firefox mobile so I just deleted the script. Oops. Oh well, at least we know it's possible. And if we wanted to go the hacky user script route, yes, we could edit the interface in almost any way we wished, but that is not the ideal long-term solution.
- Downloaded and tried ZenCBR but the tool does not seem to work recursively (although it should...) so it was of little use as I'm not going to repeat the T command on every single sub directory in my Comic Books library... I must be doing something wrong here
- Downloaded and configured ComicRack and it's doing it's thing as I'm writing this reply. It seems to be working OK, it takes quite some time to crunch through my -not too extensive- library <= started the whole thing barely a week ago and I'm quite pleased with the result I have at present (library on Synology NAS, served by Ubooquity and streamed to any possible device with a web client, both from local network as from the Internet
- I'm all in favor for Open Source and Open Standards! So I kicked all the .cbr and replaced them with .cbz (well, in a couple of hours anyway... ;-))
- Web i/f: like I already said, I do like it and it's quite 'usable' to say the least. I am looking forward to later versions where hopefully some features are improved / functionalities are added.
Anyway, Tom has my support and I'll put the money where my mouth is! :-)