Under review

Mix of Public and Protected Folders

rg94000 6 years ago updated by Tom 6 years ago 3

Is there any way to have one folder available for access with user accounts, and to protect another folder with user accounts? I want to keep certain folders only accessible to me, and share others. Right now, I have created an account "guest" and just give my friends the username/password for that account. However, this is a bit cumbersome as they are already logging into my website, then accessing Ubooquity, so it is forcing them to use multiple passwords.

Instead, I was thinking it could be useful to allow them to actually be guests (and see all public folders), and only if they log on would they see any libraries shared to those accounts. For example, with calibreweb, I can manage the permissions of a dummy guest account, which would be the default view if not logged in. This allows people to view items as a guest, but requires them to log in if they want to download something. Some similar functionality could be useful in Ubooquity. 

Under review

I understand the idea (and I'll add it to my backlog) but I have no plan to add this functionality in a close future.

So for now the only way to have both protected and unprotected folders is to run two instances of Ubooquity (meaning using different ports and using more resources on your device).

Yeah, I set that up today. It works for the most part (though using up more resources). The main issue is that the 2 different admin panels get confused with the login cookie. They constantly end up refreshing every other second. I used the same password for both instances, but it still is a bit annoying. 

Both logs repeat the below lines constantly

20181211 15:32:41 [qtp10330637-116] INFO  com.ubooquity.d.a - Admin cookie token invalid or too old. Access Denied. [ip:]
20181211 15:32:41 [qtp10330637-122] INFO  com.ubooquity.d.a - Admin cookie token invalid or too old. Access Denied. [ip:]
20181211 15:32:41 [qtp10330637-122] INFO  com.ubooquity.d.a - Admin successfully logged in

The only workaround I can offer is logging into one of the admin page with your browser "incognito mode".

(but you won't stay logged in this session after closing the tab)