
Customized Modern theme

Roflcop 10 years ago updated by Spood 9 months ago 17
Just started using Ubooquity yesterday, but I like it a lot!
I've restyled the Modern theme for personal use to give it a colourful "material design" look. Not sure if I'm allowed to share the file if anyone is interested, but here are some screenshots. 

Image 4

Image 5

Image 6
Under review
Share all you want ! The plugable theme feature has been implemented so that people can do exactly what you did. :)

Very nice theme by the way.
Cool, here is a link for those who would like to give it a try (it might contain some css mistakes, I've made it just today as a test):

Download "Material" theme
The link roflcop provided goes through an ad-based file host and the link Tom added to the themes page points to this thread. I've provided a direct download link: http://file.button-mashers.net/p/material-1.7.0a-theme.zip You can use this direct link with wget.

How to add to your NAS or Linux based installation:
  1. SSH into your NAS.
  2. Browse to your installation directory.
  3. Open the themes folder.
  4. Download the theme archive to a temporary file, unarchive the file then remove the temporary file with:
    wget http://file.button-mashers.net/p/material-1.7.0a-theme.zip -O temp.zip; unzip temp.zip; rm temp.zip
  5. Open the Ubooquity web interface admin page at http://{your install address}:2202/admin
  6. Click edit next to the general settings. Select the Material theme then apply.
Thanks, the file hosting service I used will delete the file in 30 days I think, so this is a lot better!

thanks for your nice theme, it's really neat
i've been working on a new theme, some tweakings of yours, to make it look like a plex web interface
and i'm wondering how to embbed new fonts in the theme, can you share some ideas on this subject ?

Thanks !
For information i've put font files in a "font" folder within the theme directory

then i added a font in the comics.css

@font-face {
src:url('/theme/fonts/opensans-regular-webfont.eot?#iefix') format("embedded-opentype"),url('/theme/fonts/opensans-regular-webfont.woff') format("woff"),url('/theme/fonts/opensans-regular-webfont.ttf') format("truetype"),url('/theme/fonts/opensans-regular-webfont.svg#open_sansregular' format("svg");

and updated the rendering for a tag : 

open_sansregular,"Helvetica Neue",Helvetica,Arial,sans-serif;

but there is no impact... what did i do wrong ?
Very Nice theme. Thanks for sharing. How can I move the title from beneath the thumbnail to the right of the thumbnail, but vertically centered? I've tried to google the solution, with no success.
Hi guys

Many thanks to Roflcop for creating this great theme.

I've taken the liberty of modifying the CSS files to make it even more material by creating a more card-like view and using the Roboto font. See below:

Just download the new CSS files below and replace the existing ones in the theme folder. Hope you like it and let me know if there's anything else you'd like to see.

Nice. thanks. I will check this out today.
Updated homepage as well:


Can anyone reupload this zip somewhere? I like the look of this theme, but it's a 404.

I'm sorry, Nathaniel, I wiped the server that was holding this file. I do not have a back up copy of the file. Hopefully the author, or someone who is currently using the theme, will reupload the file to the wiki.

Dropbox link to the file. I grabbed this in August of 2016 while the link was still good.


Perfect, thanks! Now at least two of us have a copy. :)


As of October 13, 2019, the above link is still active for those of you who would like to check out this theme.