Under review
Max database size?
I think my database hit a size limit. It's right around 2GB and has not increased in size after adding new files. The logs show a number of dotNet errors in regards to accessing the database (I can share those when I get access to the PC again). The website displays the initial Comics/Books page but selecting either option times out. Is there a way to allow a larger database?
Customer support service by UserEcho
Max theoritical size for the database file is 4 GB on FAT32 file systems and 4 TB on more modern ones: http://www.h2database.com/html/advanced.html#limits_limitations
But the issue might also lie with the database queries Ubooquity uses, they might be too heavy for really big databases, hard to say.
Ubooquity being written in Java, that is weird. ;)
Post the logs anyway, they might tell us a bit more about the issue.
I'd swear the errors referenced dotNet, but I must be confusing it with something from work! I had deleted the database and the cache before posting the question and it is still rebuilding itself. Since there shouldn't be a size limit, I will let it complete the rebuild and post an update when it is done. It's Windows 10 w/NTFS so the limitation wouldn't be with the file system. Thanks for the quick response Tom.