
Comixology v2 Theme Story Arcs HOWTO

martin harrington 5 years ago updated 5 years ago 0

Hoping to help folks out as I hit a brick wall and had to thrash it out due to a lack of detailed instructions.

How to add Story Arcs

Create a folder and call it StoryArcs ( ihad to put this inside the main folder or the link to publishers broke? go figure)

Inside this folder, add your folder titles for your series (Civil War, whatever)

Add this folder to your shared folders in the admin screen for comics

There is a superb built in JSON creator in the bookmarks section. Simply add your selected issues to bookmarks. Then goto bookmarks (My Books at the top right)

Click EXPORT JSON and save this to your series folder created above (civil War, whatever)

You can go into this JSON file and change the description

Add a folder.jpg image and you are good to go for that series. 

Do a books rescan from the admin section/general

OK, now you can't get to your arcs section just yet.

click on home, top left

click on comics in the right hand box

you should see your arcs directory

if not, go to publishers and look for it there

Hover over the icon and you should see the address in your browser status bar. You are looking for a number it'll be something like IP Address:22202/Comics/xxxxxx <--you want this number

another way to do it would be to hover over the arc thumbnail and right click and copy address then paste it into notepad

now you need to open up a file from the Ubooquity install directory and the theme folder --C:\Ubooquity\themes\comixology2

open in notepad++ the file Settings.js

change line

var storyArcID=xxxxxx; /* Set to null to disable story arc functions. */

change the xxxxxx to the number you noted above.


reboot ubooquity

away you go

This worked for me and is very simple in hindsight but doesn't seem to be documented anywhere.

I hope this helps you