
Cannot connect to server on chunky app

chemicalsam 4 years ago updated by Redd 3 years ago 8

I’m running ubooquity on windows 10, I cannot connect to the server on the Chunky comic iPad app. I put in the address like I access on my iPad normally. username admin and the password I set. However it wont connect and fails 

Are you using the OPDS feed?    It'll be your address with "/opds-comics" at the end.

Or, does your web page have the "Mobile" link at the top?  That gives you the OPDS feed at the bottom.


I am also having issues with using the server.

I keep getting "connection failed"

I got my IP address from my router, it is in the for 192.16X.X.X

So as my server address, I type is 192.16X.X.X:2202/opds-comics

In username and password, I insert the username and password that i created in the security tab on the admin screen.

I still get the same error.

Would love some assistance!


Did you try :2202/ubooquity/opds-comics/ ?

i mean with the word Ubooquity, even if you remove it in the reverse proxy prefix.

Chunky appears to broken now, to me at least. I had no problem, however, using (URL or IP address):(Port) and then username and password

I should report that my app started to work again after I deleted it and set things up again. Not sure if there was a database problem or what

I opened the 2202 port , still cannot use Chunky with Ubooquity. But I was able to stream my comics if I disable the firewall. Anyone knows how to deal with this?

Hi are you aware that you need to open that port in the port forwarding section of your router?

Actually, I recommand you to set-up a https access with proxy reverse, in order to secure your the connexion.

Ubooquity is on my personal NAS, and I can access it from Chunky without any problem.