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Oops, posted from the wriong  twitter account...

I'm doing a rewrite of my current iOS app, in which OPDS feeds (and various other sources of comics) are mirrored in the app, and have a bunch of associated state - sync settings, reading position, reading-list membership and whatnot.

Having a unique server ID is most important for syncing bookmarks / reading-positions between different instances of the app - two copies of the app might be accessing the same comics on the same server via different URLs (eg. public vs private IP vs DNS name). Or if they're super-unlucky, they might be accessing different comics on different servers via the exact same URL (eg. a link-local address, or the same MDNS name).

So in order to sync bookmarks I need to generate stable, universally unique comic IDs, which means I need a stable UUID for the feed / server they came from, and while using the URL of a feed to ID it would work much of the time, it would also break in a bunch of scenarios.
