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In addition to the above problem I'm also have a weird issue with issue numbers not appearing as in the example below. I've retagged all my comics and some appear and some still dont. 

Any idea what could be causing this?

I think i'd post the wrong screen in the last one, i was seaching for the series, as i have a fair few to look through. Here is a better view;

When i open issue on to read it opens up the last point that i was on, so it is remembering what the progress is.

Sorry about that, here is a screenshot of what it looks like, i've read about half of issue one but no progress bar. Im using the in-built viewer in ubooquity.

ive just grabbed the most recent release and I've noticed that the progress bar has vanished from beneath the individual issues. Any suggestions on how to get it back?

yep that sounds like my issue, I think I cherry picked the script I thought I needed. Thanks for the help.

Which script do you use? I could never get it to work when I tried.

I was trying to add the ability to bookmark whole comic series however the bookmark button only appears on series that have the series.json file in the directory. Is there a way around this or do i need to add this for every series?

Thanks for getting back to me, that is the script i was using. I think i was misunderstanding what the script does i wanted to scrape all of my comics to add the missing series.json files to all of my folders. I think i may have to grab the files from your repo and try to dump them into my folders.

Im trying to run your script on windows 10 and i'm not sure anything is

happening. I dont get an error message or anything. I have sectioned off

a small section of my comics to test before i ran it on my whole

librbary as i thought this would be a good test however i cant get any

joy with it. Is it better to post on your github or here for some
