Your comments

Hi @Tom thanks for your response. Covid-19 work planning got in the way of all things books...

Played again today with a few different generators,

Thought I'd sense check by using one of the passwords I already know to test

I entered
password = test

salt = d0809793df2c3be1a77a229781cfe1cdb1a2a
encryption = SHA256

hash = af3d2fb840e35dcffe067552a9efa371501206f86ceaa306fffecfad553ef304

hash = af3d2fb840e35dcffe067552a9efa371501206f86ceaa306fffecfad553ef304

However in my preferences.json file the hash for this user is down as
hash = e9bc41e65fed39868cf9fde2dab09ae25590fbd007863f8e62ce759b9015cd6f

The value I get as my hash is identical so I don't think its a defunct genorator but more likely that "d0809793df2c3be1a77a229781cfe1cdb1a2a" is not the salt ? Is this possible ?

Thaks for your swift reply tom, 

i entered
password = password

salt = d0809793df2c3be1a77a229781cfe1cdb1a2a
encryption = SHA256 at

Updated my preferences.json file with this new password then restarted Ubooquity but still don't have access

Any thoughts ?