Your comments

Well fuck, no sooner do I post my last response I figure why not switch and try it again.  Guess what is working now with no console errors?  I gotta say I have no clue what happened, I did not restart server, the only docker restart was when I switched it over just now, and no settings were touched.  Thanks for your help bud, sorry it was kind of wasted.

Darn I don't have that option.  I am running the Ubooquity docker on Unraid.  I guess I never really mentioned my set up.  Is there any chance there could be a permission issue?  I can't see it as Ubooquity works fine without the theme but kind of grasping at straws at this point.

That's the thing, nothing has been modified.  When I reinstalled I have not changed a setting in the settings.js.  As far as Ubooquity itself, the only option I changed was enable folder metadata.  The line the console is referencing in themescript.js is: 

var settingsJSON = JSON.parse(sessionStorage.settings);

That is part of a reverse proxy statement, and I have not set one up yet as I want to get it working inside my network before I set it up remotely.  Could my issue be something there?  A general Ubooquity option I am overlooking?  I don't know buddy, I am by no means an expert and I am confused as hell.

Exact same problem.  Same error in the console.

Yes sir, that is the folder structure.  I will see if that does anything.

Yeah, I am sitting with the black loading circle and that above error in the console. If I take the theme off and restart Ubooquity seems to work.

Hey folks, I am pretty new to this so hoping for a bit of help.  I am setting up my Ubooquity server for the first time and really liked this plugin.  The problem is I cannot get it to start.  I am stuck with the console error:

Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0
at JSON.parse ()
at themeScript.js:19

I reinstalled Ubooquity and the theme but the error remains.  I have been scouring the forum but all I can find is replacing themescript.js but if I am reading correctly then that is already updated in the zipped theme package.

This is a fresh install of Ubooquity and the theme, I haven't even fully scanned in my Library as it is quite large and will take some time.  I am really hoping to get it started so I can get it running.  I have left all of the Ubooquity and settings.js fields alone so it is possible I just have not set something up right yet, but I was trying with the pprevious install and nothing seemed to work.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.