Your comments

it works !!! i'm a noob sry ...

I used start ubooquity instead of /etc/init/ubooquity.conf ...

I can see for the next steps now...

Thank you 1000 times for your help !!

sorry to ask .. where can i find the log files ?

to manualy start, i just type "start ubooquity", right ? it make a process when i use that

i can't update to DSM 6 , it's not a real synology but a synology hack :(

the 7u79 don't help

I've tryed with the rename , do'esn't work , but with the name jdk-7u80-linux-i586.tar.gz he is ok to install :)

Still doesn't work

my ubooquity.conf is

"start on started httpd-user

stop on runlevel [06]

exec /var/packages/JavaManager/target/Java/bin/java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar -Xmx512m /var/packages/Ubooquity/Ubooquity.jar -port 2202 -webadm"

I verified the firewall of the synology, i accept all ports on my personnal network .. .i don't know Java at all :(

thanks again

thanks, but i cant use java 8 on my DSM 5.2 (if i follow what it's write in java manager)

i've tried but he doesn't want the file i've downloaded (jdk-8u101-linux-i586.tar.gz)

i try now to update to the 7u79 i got the 7u51 (and not the 75 as i said before ... )

i followed the tutorial there :

i launch ubooquity with "start ubooquity" , it answer : " ubooquity start/running, process 30588"

but i dont have anything on the 2202 port .. can you help me plz ?

found on wiki ... sry to asked :)

i got the 1.7.0_75 of java, i hope it's ok


The zip file in the 1st post is not online anymore ?

Do you know where can i find a complete tuto to install ubooquity on synology (DSM 5.2 xpnology) ?
