Your comments

I wanted to let you know the webp support you've implemented works flawlessly so far. The only drawback to this is the time to load new pages when reading comics online. Comics with pages already in jpg format load as fast as I can turn the pages. Webp pages take 3-5 seconds to load. I'm sure this is the conversion from webp to jpg Ubooquity is making. I'm not complaining, just making note. I'm happy this works!

Next I'll test the Challenger Comics Viewer OPDS.

I'll be donating here shortly.
Thanks for the reply! I hope it would be as simple as adding a new text string to the code to allow indexing webp pages. However, I'd think the application would need a webp decoder to read and convert the cover for the issue thumbnail. I'm willing to keep a blank cover thumbnail if I can stream my webp books (that is the coolest!)

As for browser support, you make a valid point. It's unfortunate not all browsers support the format. I personally understand what's required for webp since I've invested the time converting the books I have to that format but I can see how the author could possibly pass on adding this feature because of the possible support issues.