Your comments

No to your question. - Launched it via the commandline as myself & confirmed the permissions were good for the directory and .jar. Was denied access every time no matter if it was in my home dir, /var/www/html/ubooquity or /opt/ubooquity. Used root a couple of times and still the same issue.  Only worked when I manually added a share.

This is so odd, I don't even get the chance to configure it. I unzip it to ~/booquity folder cd to the folder start it with one of the below commands. Then go to or 2203 ETC. 

I've started it with:

java -jar Ubooquity.jar -remoteadmin 

java -jar Ubooquity.jar -remoteadmin –adminport 2203

java -jar Ubooquity.jar -remoteadmin –adminport 2203 -headless 

This is a ubuntu 16.04 Server. VMware