Your comments

yes the page is now there.

what are the search criteria send to Comixology? because i could find the series, however with a different date (2010)

there must be something with my setup, i tried the for al my Marvel Comics with the same result. "Series not Found"

OK that was missing.

now, by some reason its saying:

bash-4.3# /config/PageBuilder/ /mnt/user/EBooks/comics/Marvel/'Age of Ultron (2013)'/cvinfo

Downloading comic data

Building comic page

Comic: Age of Ultron

Date: 2013

Getting series ID

Waiting 10 seconds to look less automated

Trying again without date parameter

Series not found


im quite new to ubooquity but till now i got everything up and running including this fantastic theme.

however im having some issues to get the to run.

this is what i'm getting if i run the script

bash-4.3# /config/PageBuilder/ /mnt/user/EBooks/comics/Marvel/'New Avengers (2015)'/cvinfo

Downloading comic data

jq: error: Cannot index array with string

jq: error: Cannot index array with string

jq: error: Cannot index array with string

jq: error: Cannot index array with string

Building comic page



Usage: /config/PageBuilder/ -c 'Comic Name' [-d 'Comic Year'] [-r 'Which result to save']


and this is the content of my cvinfo file