Your comments

now i use a lazylibrarian + calibre db in a docker container and added calibreweb on top, works fine for books & magazines, some limitations with lazylibrarian regarding comics though, i am considering moving to readarr or mylar for that part

Hello, thanks

please find the link to the github page here

i did not update the theme for a very long time as i implemented another tool on my nas

i have uploaded the banner-plex.png file in github, if you want to usee it you should rename banner.png

Hi ! I have seen the latest posts regarding the original files of the Dark Theme

I have uploaded everything on github

sorry about the lack of support

I hope that the github platform will facilitate the creation of forks and evolution of the theme

Thanks and have great holidays !

As a precision, the ellipsis is displayed if there is more than two lines of text now :
The theme has been updated, it includes the ellipsis in the author's name now, Thanks for your feedback. The link is still the same

I can't change the name of the post :( i guess it is restricted because of my user rights ? Cand you edit it please, otherwise i will create a new post

Hi everybody, a new version of the Dark Theme is available for download :
- new font used, Open Sans, stored locally, the Open Sans from Google is not working properly
- In Books page, addition of an ellipsis for the author name and the genre in case it is too long
- Update of the blank cover image

Tom do you think it is possible to be featured on the theme page of your site ?
I have the once second delay on the font stored locally

funny thing is that the delay appears only on chrome for windows, not for firefox for windows/mac or chrome mac
Thank for your work ! i'm updating my theme to support additional fonts but it seems that there is a pb with the load of the fonts, the text is loaded 1 second after the content of the page.

Do you have any idea on how to solve this ? i guess it is required to preload the font in a certain way as it is local...

By the way, i don't know why some google fonts are not rendered, for info i use the following :

@import url(;
font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif;

and there is still an error in the console

Redirect at origin '' has been blocked from loading by Cross-Origin Resource Sharing policy: The request was redirected to a URL ('about:blank') which has a disallowed scheme for cross-origin requests.

seems related to the header ...