
download file name should be the same as the original file name on the server

Are Finstad 10 years ago updated by Tom 10 years ago 3
download file name should be the same as the original file name on the server.

ATM when you download a comic (havent tested Books just yet) it will download and name the comic in question in the name of the title of the issue therefor ignoring the series, volume, issue number or any other info that might be important.

it should either one: use the original file name that the host server has named it (in my case its always renamed by ComicRack so it always follows strict rules in the file name)
or two: it uses metadata it reads and names the downloaded file according to rules set either by the server admin or the user (saved settings per user profile anyone?)

original filename: Larfleeze Vol.2013 #01 (August, 2013)
downloaded file name: The Extremely Large Dog on the Edge of Forever.cbz (the title of the issue and nothing else)
the downloaded file name should reflect the series, volume/number and maybe version of the series.

just using the title as a download name like this may be fine with books but not comics at all IMO.

yes it also downlaods the metadata file in the cbz files so we can always sort with ComicRack or something, but i still think it should name its downloads better for when you use it outside of Metadata supported apps (like on an iPad or whatever)
Under review
It's a bug introduced in 1.7.0.
It will be fixed in the next release.