Your comments

In my case it takes 15s : I have ~1500 comics.

It is very long if your library is big like yours because the script needs to make an http request to the server for each comic.  I may be able to speed the process caching the requests (using the browser cache) to avoid doing this each time you access the page. 

The fact is, because Ubooquity doesn't provide any "currently reading" webservice, the script have no other choice but to ask the server for every comic status.

I will find a way to speed this up.

About the "BDs", sorry, it is the french word for "comics" : Bande Dessinée = Comic Strip. I will replace this term in the next version.

You can also download the theme directly from github here 

Download moded themeDownload moded Plex theme with the deduplicator and currently reading

Hi lostndessence !

I made another mod on yours (I forked your Gitub repo) to avoid comic duplicates : The deduplicator.

I'm planning to try to make a special page with all the currently reading comics to put on your great mod too. It would be like Plex for movies. I miss too much this on Ubooquity.

We can talk about that when you want if you like.

C U soon !

Hi !

Splendid idea !

I'm quite new to Ubooquity(a week ?) and I love it.

Beeing able to know what your are reading is so great ! When the comics are hidden deeply in subfolders on the other hand,  it is still difficult to remember what you are reading.

Do you think of a way to list first all the comics you are reading atthe moment first (like in Plex where you see first all the movies you are watching) ? I know that it is not so easy on the client side... I could be helpfull because I know js/html/css. 

Thanks !