Your comments

I managed to figure that problem out myself. I'm so glad to hear that you're still working on it. I love this server so much, I would hate it if it died. Tell you what, if you ever need a tester, just let me know. I'd be waaaaay more then happy to help out in any way... Without getting involved in coding it - which kind of just gives you more work to do, lol. Big fan, willing to help, and eager to see it finally happen! 

Hey Tom.
I've been using Ubooquity for about three years now, maybe a bit longer. I've never had any issues, so I've never had a reason to visit a forum.
Yikes. Sorry that this one was ran over by a bunch of people.
I was wondering if this is still something you're working on, because for the first time ever, I'm having a bit of an issue.
I'm running this on a windows machine, and I'm specifically talking about two different devices as clients here, 1 Samsung S10 and the other Samsung S20.
I've got Kuboo set up on both of them the exact same way.  I know Kuboo isn't your thing, but I am curious as to if it's possible that there's something I can do on the Ubooquity end to figure out what's up.
On my S10, I open things up, see the book, tap it, and I can start swiping away reading page by page.
On my S20, I open things up, the folders do not have images, when I tap an issue, I have to hit this play button deal, and then every time it hands for a few seconds before saying failed to fetch resources.

Regardless, I've been a huge fan of this since I first got my hands on it. I wish life afforded you the chance to dedicate more time to this, if you still had the interest.
If you can help me, great.
If not, then thank you for the great server work. I love it.