Your comments

I would love to have the story arcs working ---- if you need programming help let me know...



I reread my post and realized, if the reader's sense of humor isn't as warped as mine.... the post might come across as mean/rude/demanding.... if that is the case --- I apologize profusely .. it was meant to be a humorous play on words and nothing more...


just for the sake of completeness.....

Is there an older link to a newer version of the theme?


(and happy Thanksgiving) 

any hope of finding a live copy of this theme?

(with the scripts)

Or has development stopped? 

Thank you!

On three different android devices w/different oses, and processors ---

Https. - works

Server side uses reverse proxy -

user/password - enabled.

I get as far as 1st screen

3 'link' buttons show

All comics



Nothing after that...

From a browser - looking at the atom feed - there is data...

I can use moon+ reader to navigate ...



I have had very similar issues... my current startup has -Xms4096m and -Xmx4096m

Rather than 'size' of files -- I have in excess of 100k cbr/cbz files...

Keep watch on size of ubooquity database --

On my system -- my Environ... too many stops/starts/restarts. And the database grows to a filesize in excess of 2GB...

Once... it exceeded 4gb...

Depending on __your__ setup.. 16/32/64 bit mode...will be a possible limiting factor...

At the moment - I have a 64-bit system, 8gb memory, 4gb hardwired to ubooquity... it has NOT generated any out of memory errors... when finished adding all of these journals... I'll have it add 100k epub files, if the DB stays under 1gb .... I'll configure either a raspberry pi or a pogoplug (either would be running debian Jessie) to be the server... at that point the heavy lifting is done, all it has to do is 'serve '

Running in 128mb might be tough, but it should work under 256...

... ... ...


I also am having problems - - - just a white screen - - -

and I have username/password enabled as well...

I'll try turning that off, re-connecting and see if it works... Repost shortly...

Program oddness....

Works/loads/runs on phone (LG4/T-Mobile/Stock)

Does NOT function on:

Acer Iconia 8" tab..(rooted only/stock rom)

Nook HD+ (rooted/rom:CM11)

--- --- ---

On Phone:

Icon shows:Comicviewer for ubooquity

On both tablets.

Icon shows: com.sethchhim.....MainActivity
