Your comments

Hi Xavier,

Here my doc I wrote installing Ubooquity :


  1. Browse to /var/packages/ using the command cd /var/packages
  2. Create the Ubooquity directory then enter it with [ -d Ubooquity ] || mkdir Ubooquity && cd Ubooquity
  3. Download the Ubooquity archive with wget -O
  4. Unzip the archive then remove it with 7z x && rm
  5. Move to the Synology Upstart services directory. All services listed here are started on boot.
  6. cd /etc/init
  7. Download the Ubooquity service script with wget
  8. Make the service script executable with chmod 755 ubooquity.conf

The Ubooquity service is now installed. It will start on boot and you can start or stop it at anytime using

start ubooquity or stop ubooquity.

Update Ubooquity

When a new version of Ubooquity is released you can use the following line to automatically update your existing Ubooquity installation.

cd /var/packages && [ -d Ubooquity ] || mkdir Ubooquity && cd Ubooquity && wget -O && unzip -o && rm && cd /etc/init && wget && chmod 755 ubooquity.conf

Enable SSL

Same password for the alias and the "storepass" : replace "pwd" by yours

keytool -genkey -keyalg RSA -alias selfsigned -keystore keystoressl.jks -storepass pwd -validity 360 -keysize 2048

Ubooquity.conf :

replace "p" by your port

start on started httpd-user

stop on runlevel [06]

exec /var/packages/Java7/target/j2sdk-image/jre/bin/java -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8 -jar -Xmx512m /var/packages/Ubooquity/Ubooquity.jar -port p -webadmin -headless -workdir "/volume1/data/Ubooquity"

Let me know if you are in trouble.


Hi Xavier,

My Synology is a DS1513+, so downloaded jdk-7u79-linux-i586.tar.gz from Oracle web site and I installed it via the button "Mettre à niveau Java" on DSM. Afterwards I had to make a new install of Ubooquity from scratch (new script, new database...)


I'm using the last firmware of DSM 6 and since I installed Java7 via the packages Manager of Synology and I made a downgrade to 7u79 (dowloaded on Oracle website) Ubooquity is working perfectly. I didn't try to install Java 8 yet. But maybe the version installed by default by Synology is the root cause of this issue...

Hi Tom,

I was using the last version of Ubiquity (1.9.1). But thank you for the idea : by default, Synology installs JDK 7u91. I made a downgrade to 7u79 and my PDF files are listed correctly and I'm able to read via Ubooquity.

Just one question : do you recommend to use Java 8 instead Java 7 ?
