Your comments
As tu mis 1024 ou 512 dans ubooquity.conf et dans le script "planificateur de démarrage" ?
Combien de mémoire ram java utilise sur ton Nas ?
J'ai 834 comics pdf dans ma collection, la galère si je dois tout retrouver en cbr !
Et puis avant dsm6 java8 etc ubooquity fonctionnait très bien, même avec mes pdf.
Je suis sur que le problem vient de la gestion de la mémoire ram (j'ai 76% d'utilisé sur mon NAS quand ubooquity n'est pas arrêté)
En ce moment je ne peux même pas scanner !
Je retrouve "outofmemoryerror" dans mon log (ci dessous)
A mon avis il y a un problem de "memory leak".
Cela fonctionne bien chez toi ? A tu une grosse bdtheque ?
20160628 12:28:09 [pool-1-thread-4] ERROR com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - Uncaught exception on thread: pool-1-thread-4
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at java.nio.HeapByteBuffer.( ~[na:1.8.0_91]
at java.nio.ByteBuffer.allocate( ~[na:1.8.0_91]
at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.( ~[na:1.8.0_91]
at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.( ~[na:1.8.0_91]
at sun.nio.cs.StreamDecoder.forInputStreamReader( ~[na:1.8.0_91]
at ~[na:1.8.0_91]
at com.ubooquity.e.e$f.a(SourceFile:815) ~[Ubooquity.jar:1.10.1]
at com.ubooquity.e.e$1$ ~[Ubooquity.jar:1.10.1]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker( ~[na:1.8.0_91]
at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ ~[na:1.8.0_91]
at ~[na:1.8.0_91]
20160628 12:28:09 [Scanner thread] ERROR com.ubooquity.Ubooquity - Uncaught exception on thread: Scanner thread
java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
at ~[pdfbox-2.0.0.jar.6738931264348580058.tmp:2.0.0]
at ~[pdfbox-2.0.0.jar.6738931264348580058.tmp:2.0.0]
at ~[pdfbox-2.0.0.jar.6738931264348580058.tmp:2.0.0]
at ~[pdfbox-2.0.0.jar.6738931264348580058.tmp:2.0.0]
at ~[na:1.8.0_91]
at ~[na:1.8.0_91]
at org.apache.pdfbox.pdfparser.COSParser.readValidStream( ~[pdfbox-2.0.0.jar.6738931264348580058.tmp:2.0.0]
at org.apache.pdfbox.pdfparser.COSParser.parseCOSStream( ~[pdfbox-2.0.0.jar.6738931264348580058.tmp:2.0.0]
at org.apache.pdfbox.pdfparser.COSParser.parseFileObject( ~[pdfbox-2.0.0.jar.6738931264348580058.tmp:2.0.0]
at org.apache.pdfbox.pdfparser.COSParser.parseObjectDynamically( ~[pdfbox-2.0.0.jar.6738931264348580058.tmp:2.0.0]
at org.apache.pdfbox.pdfparser.COSParser.parseObjectDynamically( ~[pdfbox-2.0.0.jar.6738931264348580058.tmp:2.0.0]
at org.apache.pdfbox.pdfparser.COSParser.parseDictObjects( ~[pdfbox-2.0.0.jar.6738931264348580058.tmp:2.0.0]
at org.apache.pdfbox.pdfparser.PDFParser.initialParse( ~[pdfbox-2.0.0.jar.6738931264348580058.tmp:2.0.0]
at org.apache.pdfbox.pdfparser.PDFParser.parse( ~[pdfbox-2.0.0.jar.6738931264348580058.tmp:2.0.0]
at org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument.load( ~[pdfbox-2.0.0.jar.6738931264348580058.tmp:2.0.0]
at org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument.load( ~[pdfbox-2.0.0.jar.6738931264348580058.tmp:2.0.0]
at org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel.PDDocument.load( ~[pdfbox-2.0.0.jar.6738931264348580058.tmp:2.0.0]
at com.ubooquity.fileformat.pdf.b.a(SourceFile:34) ~[Ubooquity.jar:1.10.1]
at com.ubooquity.b.c.a(SourceFile:58) ~[Ubooquity.jar:1.10.1]
at ~[Ubooquity.jar:1.10.1]
at ~[Ubooquity.jar:1.10.1]
at ~[Ubooquity.jar:1.10.1]
at$ ~[Ubooquity.jar:1.10.1]
at ~[na:1.8.0_91]
Hi Alex,
I think I use jdk-8u91-linux-arm32-vfp-hflt.tar.gz
If I clic on java application I see java 8 version 1.8.0_91
I think there is problem "out of memory" ...maybe
I would like show my log but how I do that ? Log of ubooquity ? or log java ?
In first I say, with dsm 5 all worked fine.
Since DSM 6, we need make synology task, that work but I have lot of problem for scan all my comics. Over average 50 comics the progress is already running but don't go 51 52 ...
I think possible mistake with memorie ram, I have ds414, I try with 1024 in ubooquity.conf and task script but is it the same, I can't scan all my comics.
possible bug because ubooquity don't like some character this - ' ... I don't know...I seek why...
Where I must change things please ? in the synology task or ubooquity.conf ?
In the synology task I have this for start ubooquity :
#!/bin/bash/volume1/@appstore/Java8/j2sdk-image/jre/bin/java -jar -Xmx512m /var/packages/Ubooquity/Ubooquity.jar -workdir /var/packages/Ubooquity -port 2202 -headless -webadmin > nohup.out 2>&1&
Is it here you make change ?
Thank you for help
Yes all work fine with your Task Scheduler on DSM 6, Thanks lot of !
Now I go to try inslal MYLAR with t411 (french torrent provider)...
Thanks lot of ! I try soon...
Thank you ! But "Then do the steps as described in my comment above yours"... is it hard to understand what I must do exactly ...
Well well well .... Since DSM 6 => Ubooquity dosn't work on my DS414.
I have reset and try to make a new instal but nothing work so I have delete all file.
I have make a rsa key for let me a root acces with winscp (prefered) and putty.
I don't speak/write very well english, I don't know the informatic language (just few things with good tutorial help).
So.... Today is it easy to have good job of ubooquity (all bug is over ?) ? Or is it better to wait a stable situation ? If today all is OK, can I have tutorial link please ?
Thank you very much
Hello Jeremy,
Thinks for your help,
I had do that :
1) connection SSH with key rsa
2) delete all ubooquity files (var/package and volume1/comics)
3) open port rooter synology and my box TCP 2202
3) connection root with putty : your code :
cd /var/packages
[ -d Ubooquity ] || mkdir Ubooquity && cd Ubooquity
wget -O ubooquity.zip
7z x && rm
chmod 755 ubooquity.conf
well, all code line work fine...
I try :
start ubookquity (=process blabla ...ok)
I try stop ubooquity (= stop: Unknown instance:) !!!!???
The webpage ipnas:2202 is inaccessible !!!??
I try : I change ubooquity.conf (etc/init) for that :
start on started httpd-user
already The webpage ipnas:2202 is inaccessible !!???
inside /volume1/Mes-ebooks/Ubooquity (there are nothing)
inside var/package/ubooquity (there are only one file : ubooquity.jar)
I think ubooquity.jar didn't execute ....but I don't know
So nothing work for me, why ?
Customer support service by UserEcho
"Dans certains cas, la quantité de tas que vous avez alloué à votre JVM est tout simplement pas assez pour répondre aux besoins de vos applications en cours d'exécution sur cette JVM. Dans ce cas, vous devriez juste allouer plus de tas - voir à la fin de ce chapitre pour savoir comment y parvenir.
Cependant , dans de nombreux cas, en fournissant plus Java espace de tas ne résoudra pas le problème. Par exemple, si votre application contient une fuite de mémoire, enajoutant plus tas sera simplement reporter le java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space erreur. En outre, l' augmentation de la quantité de Java espace de tas tend également à augmenter la longueur des pauses GC affectant de votre application de débit ou de latence .
Si vous souhaitez résoudre le problème sous-jacent à l'espace de tas Java au lieu de masquer les symptômes, vous devez déterminer quelle partie de votre code est responsable de l'allocation le plus de mémoire. En d'autres termes, vous devez répondre à ces questions: ..."
In some cases, the amount of heap you have allocated to your JVM is just not enough to accommodate the needs of your applications running on that JVM. In that case, you should just allocate more heap – see at the end of this chapter for how to achieve that.
In many cases however, providing more Java heap space will not solve the problem. For example, if your application contains a memory leak, adding more heap will just postpone the java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space error. Additionally, increasing the amount of Java heap space also tends to increase the length of GC pauses affecting your application’s throughput or latency.
If you wish to solve the underlying problem with the Java heap space instead of masking the symptoms, you need to figure out which part of your code is responsible for allocating the most memory. In other words, you need to answer these questions: