Your comments

So it didn't behave well with my mapped drive, but it's doing a complete scan with UNC paths.  In the end, that exactly solves my issue, so thanks!

Sounds great, I'll give this a try and post if it's an issue.

Just a thought, but a way around this would be to have the ability to manually enter a path instead of going through this file system GUI, or at least having that as an option.

Same problem here.  With the 1.X versions, I was able to specify a UNC path that went straight to my network storage.  Something along the lines of \\drobo\comics\marvel.  Being able to do this matters because I was running this on a server as a service.  In that state, mapped drives are unpredictable, however UNC's are golden.

Regardless, just trying to get a basic mapped drive to be seen is failing.  Tried editing the json directly, but that was a fail because of no corresponding database entry.

I've got a piece of freeware called ServiceEx.exe. You create an ini file with command line parameters and it creates a service with the name of the ini. For example, my ubooquity ini looks like:

ServiceExeFullPath = "C:\ProgramData\Oracle\Java\javapath\java.exe"
; program arguments to be sent to executable
options =-jar e:\Ubooquity\Ubooquity.jar --webadmin --headless --workdir e:\Ubooquity
; can program interact with desktop [true | false] (default: true)
desktop = false
; start type (valid values: Auto Manual Disabled) (default: auto)
; start the service upon installation [true | false] (default: no)

This creates a ubooquity service that is set to automatic and then starts it. Once the service has been created, you're off to the races. The command line basically has two switches. serviceex.exe install <filename.ini> or serviceex.exe remove <filename.ini>. Great little piece of freeware for a windows admin, but it can be a little tough to track down.

I'm running it in 2012 R2 as a service, so it's just as easy for me to create a scheduled task to bounce the service.

It's always behaved like this for me. I always assumed it was because my collection was so large. About 50k+ comics. Even loaded a remote desktop app on my tablet so I could bounce it when it hangs.

Yes, the missing button. Sorry I wasn't more clear. Thanks for the quick turnaround, everything is working now.

Love the latest beta. It seems to do a much better job of connecting for me. One tiny nitpick. For the life of me, I can't find where you configure the server connection. I stood up a second server for testing and can't figure out how to talk to it.

So just tried the 1.4.6 beta app on a rooted Kindle 8.9 running Lollipop. Was able to connect and browse folders. Pulled up a book and read just fine. Went to find another comic and realized there was something goofy with the browse. My folders start with publisher then titles. Since a given publisher can have a ton of titles, there tends to be a pile of sub folders. The built in web app handles this as a number of webpages, 30 per page, or 3 rows of 10. This app will list the first 30 subfolders or the first webpage, but not the rest.

To be clear, the structure looks like



Captain America






I can't browse past the first 30 subfolders of a given publisher.