Your comments

Hmm, so far, I've not gotten any successful pulls with the new imageGet, but I'll try again tomorrow. :) It's not high on my priority list, but I'd love to see my setup with consistent folder images :)

Ok, I've been investigating the 302 error, which is happening no matter what localization I use. I replicated the curl statement, plus a few things that may be FreeBSD specific, but they're mostly unrelated... But here's the error I'm getting from that 302:

<HTML><HEAD><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;charset=utf-8">

<H1>302 Moved</H1>

The document has moved

-- Not sure if that's helpful at all, but it's about as far as I can get on my own

Nevermind, I found it :)

Ok, incorporated the new PageBuilder, and since I'm on FreeBSD, I had to replace jq. I also have to replace pup, but I have no idea where to get it. Is it part of a larger package?

Awesome, that's perfect!

Got it, but I did have to change the link to the bookmarks.htm file :) This is looking great!

Yes, the exact response is 'FreeBSD'

I'm also having trouble finding and using bookmarks. I don't see a submenu under browse, so I'm not sure if any bookmarks have been added. Am I missing something?

Oh, and it appears that FreeBSD has the same sed issue as Mac. For mine, I just changed the OS test to FreeBSD, but you might want to add that to the if statement. The syntax used for mac works perfectly for FreeBSD too :)

Is it possible to have the addFeatured only match on the full name, instead of partial matches? My issue is that Marvel is matching against Marvel, Marvel Digital Comics Unlimited, Marvel Knights, Marvel UK, etc.. I'm not familiar enough with javascript to try mucking about with the :contains(+publisher+) in theme.js