Your comments

just a quick question, which version of ubooquity is required to run the theme?

im on 2.1.1 and can't get it to work at all.

ok got it up and running. setup a new VM with a differed Linux distri. and everything seems to be working.

thanks a lot for your help

the folder structure is like this:

/mnt/user/EBooks/comics/DC Comics/Suicide Squad (2016)/

filenames like "Suicide Squad 1 (2016).cbz"

the arclist.csv file is created but empty

how/what is the arcBuilder exactly suppose to do in regards to the "Issues" of an ARC?

is it creating any links to the corresponding series?

ok, got the idGet issue fixed.

had to update the scripts some "$my_dir" entries were missing.

now i have the following :

bash-4.3# ./ 'The Killing Joke'

Publisher:DC Comics


Story Arc ID:40503

Building comic page

./ line 43: [[[: command not found

./ line 43: [: missing `]'

Comic: The Killing Joke

Type: arc

Searching for Comixology page

HTTP Response: 200

Series not found

Generating arclist

5 issues

Batman The Killing Joke (1988)

Batman The Killing Joke 001 1988

DC Universe The Stories of Alan Moore (2006)

DC Universe The Stories of Alan Moore 001 2006

Batman The Killing Joke The Deluxe Edition (2008)

Batman The Killing Joke The Deluxe Edition 001 2008

Booster Gold (2007)

Booster Gold 005 2008

The Brave and the Bold (2007)

The Brave and the Bold 033 2010


got finally most up and running. the only thing which is right now missing is the "Story Arc"

i tried the "arcBuilder" however i'm getting only the below error.

apiKey and Cookie are set

bash-4.3# ./ -p /mnt/user/EBooks/comics/

./ line 29: command not found
idGet failed, probably using an invalid cookie

i tried to run the scripts now on a different Linux machine (different disto) and its working.

strange thing.

by the way i have the same issue with the __Story arc as "Are Finstad"

if i try to open the link its not doing anything. any idea?

just got again the "Google bot detection" only after 2 checks.

its strange if i run the google query on another computer on the same network its working. how is google detecting the "bot"?

OK got it to download the image.

- with error bot detected

- with local ( download blocked

- with success

shall i use the new script or better update the original one to use ?

i run it one by one.

any idea what i could test to see where the problem could be?