Your comments


Yes, I just checked again to make sure.

My admin site is at host:2202/ubooquity/admin and the link behind the logo is host:2202/ubooquity

My library port is 2200.

Running version is 2.1.0.


Hi Tom,

I just installed 2.1 and I see the link to the library from the admin page. However, the link uses the admin port, not the library port.


Perhaps I've been a bit luckier. I've had a couple of power outages, but everything has been fine on this end. No other corruption since the initial problem.


As above, I also recreated the database when this happened. Everything has been fine since.

Tom, if you want a copy of the corrupt database, let me know - I kept a copy.


Hey, thanks for the quick response and implementation. Awesome :)