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what run finally on my DS 212

in the task planificator:

# installation settings
# app settings
# This ensures that ubooquity reads special characters properly
 export LANG
# Main command for ubooquity
 exec "$JAVA_DIR/java" -Dfile.encoding=$ENCO -Xmx$MEM -jar $PCKG_DIR/$PCKG_BIN --libraryport $PORT --workdir "$WORK_DIR"  --adminport $ADMINPORT --remoteadmin --headless

I think I can increase the size of the ram but not sure.

If somebody can give me the ram size for DS212?


I have no script until sh, or conf file, the sh file is in directory /volume1/web/, the conf file is in directory /etc/init/

not work anyway!

regarding ?


is the work dir design directory where ubooquity.jar is or where the comics(cbr, cbz) are?