Your comments

Yeah, I set that up today. It works for the most part (though using up more resources). The main issue is that the 2 different admin panels get confused with the login cookie. They constantly end up refreshing every other second. I used the same password for both instances, but it still is a bit annoying. 

Both logs repeat the below lines constantly

20181211 15:32:41 [qtp10330637-116] INFO  com.ubooquity.d.a - Admin cookie token invalid or too old. Access Denied. [ip:]
20181211 15:32:41 [qtp10330637-122] INFO  com.ubooquity.d.a - Admin cookie token invalid or too old. Access Denied. [ip:]
20181211 15:32:41 [qtp10330637-122] INFO  com.ubooquity.d.a - Admin successfully logged in